I hope someone can help me. I haven’t trained in 2 weeks, as I have hernia surgery scheduled for next Thurs. Doctor says probably another month before I can lift again. Should I take anything to help maintain muscle and hold down the fat? Are there any diet considerations I should make? I feel like I’m shrinking faster than a nutsack after a Gram of Deca.
I don’t know about preserving gains, but I do know one thing about Hernias (Having had two surgeries myself, and needing a third) DONT RUSH YOUR RECOVERY. Being the studly T-man I am (stubborn like jackass) I had sex 4 days after my surgery, started lifting again 2 weeks afer surgery, and was back at my martial arts 3 weeks after surgery. Now thanks to my stupidity, the hernia that was repaired at that time has reopened…so I need to have it operated on AGAIN. So look…the gains will come back…hernia healing is nothing you rush!! And just wait until after your surgery when you find out that your abs control EVERY friggin movement in your body!!! Your gonna LOVE the pain bro!! Ask for LOTS of Vicoden it is GREAT stuff…but if you are over 200 take twice the recommended dose…or it doesnt touch the pain!! Good Luck!
(a) what Whopper said, especially about sensitivity of abs. Make sure you have a smooth driver for the trip home. (b) to preserve muscle, 1-2 grams protein is critical and glutamin gets good reports for keeping muscle. (c) when you get home, use some metamucil or something cause the anesthetic and painkillers will put you at risk of causing bleeding and later complications on the toilet.