Hi there guys I’m 16 5’10 and 198 pounds 12%bf and been training for 8months and now I have a Hernia and was wondering if anyone else has had one and what their recovery period and training was like after the operation, your replies would be greatly appreciated.
I had one over a year ago.I inquired t-mag as to why this happens and Ian wrote me, that this is because you are tight down there. So he suggested I do some stretching in the groin area. It worked, I loosened up, and I am back to doing what I love best.The training was light and slow at first, I just sort of felt it out. If I started to feel any twinge I stopped and gave up. It took a while before I even felt like working out.The only problem that is still here, is I feel this patch. The doctor said I always will, so get used to it.But I am back up to my poundages and I feel totally normal. Sometimes I feel like I am overdoing it, that is when I back off. Unfortunately I know I will never be the same. But I know I can still do my best with what I have to work with.
I had one 14 years ago. The doc told me to take six weeks off from training after the operation. I was back in the gym using sub-maximal weights two weeks after the operation with no problems. I would not recommend this, but that is what I did. I am sure the procedure has improved during the past several years which would allow for a quicker recovery time but I don’t know for sure. Make sure you take a ton of laxatives after the op. as you will get constipated due to the anisthesia (?).
Been there, done that. I had an operation to repair an inguinal hernia and they told me I would be out a minimum of a month but I was off for two. Get ready for some pain, especially the first week of post-op. You’ll be hobbling around like a crippled person, and you’ll probably be in tears anytime you have to laugh or cough. Get it taken care of though, because if you don’t it can strangulate and this can be fatal. Good luck!
There is a place in Great Britain that caters to bodybuilders - and they’re cheap (I’m not sure where you live). Hernias often happen not only because you’re tight, but also because your abdominal muscles are weak.
A buddy of mine had/still has a hernia. He didn’t get an operation. Instead, he just stops when he feels a pull. Nope. I am not suggesting this…only saying that there are many ways…