Hey gang. Im posting this message to see if any of you out there have had a knee reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee. Im about to have mine done very soon and the doctors will be using a ligament graff from my hamstring tendons. Apparently there are 3 hamstring tendons and they will be grafting 2 of them to replace the torn ACL. This means there is only one tendon remaining in the hamstring. I am interested to hear if anyone has had any problems associated with the hamstring tendon caused by weight training after proper rehab. (ie: Is one tendon strong enough continue hardcore weight training??). I know its a little strange to ask this question as footballers (and the rest) have this operation all the time and they are able to continue their sport after proper rehab, but I was just curious to know if any of you have had problems associated with this. Cheers gang!!