Has anyone out there had ACL reconstruction? I was wondering what excercises you would recommend. I have had two ACL recon. and I am currently 18 months out of surgery. I would like to return to playing sports but I just dont think I am ready. What helped most in making your knee/leg feel stronger? I currently do squats, lunges, hamstring curls, straight leg deadlifts, dumbell deadlifts, calf raises, and ride the excercise bike a lot. I am really worried about getting out there and tearing the SOB again. If you have any suggestions of what helped you get back to sports, I would appreciate it very much, thanks.
Head over to Intensity Magazine and start at issue #24 (the series of these articles ends at issue #32). The articles are entitled Women’s Athletics which are written by a Charlie Newkerk and deal with proper ACL rehab. They deal with strength training guidelines through flexibility and kinesthetic awareness. Overall, they would be very helpful in giving you insight on how to structure your training.
if you are 18 months out you are more than fine to get back to sports. I was 6 months out and back at sports. I amnot 100 percent yet. But i am gonna be by 18 months for sure. I understand you hesitation but you gotta just do it. I got my nerve to get back out there, by doing simulated activities in my gym. Running and stopping and side to side motions until i had lost the fear. A great device for getting the side to side strength back is called a balancing board. Your gym should have it. Its probably in the chick section of the gym by the aerobic classes. Balance on it for 30 seconds/5 times. If you need more support try this site its a great forum- http://66.54.168 .84/cgi-bin/kneebbs.pl
Thanks for you help guys. Some of the suggestions in the Intensity Magazine I used after I tore my ACL the first time, I think I really need to get back to these agility drills. I may be concentrating on strength to much rather than agility and endurance drills. Are the any supplements that you guys find helpful with knee injuries. I think I may try some Power Drive so I can improve my concentration when training my knee.
Primetime- I dont think my gym has one of those balance boards. Do you know where I may be able to buy one? Also, I tried the link you posted but it did not work, is it busted maybe? Thanks
Paul, go to PerformBetter.com. They sell all sorts of balance boards and other cool stuff.