I agree with the colleges stance however I would suggest they use a better measuring protocol. BMI is crap. if they did it by bodyfat% I would say all schools should do this.
what do you guys think?
I agree with the colleges stance however I would suggest they use a better measuring protocol. BMI is crap. if they did it by bodyfat% I would say all schools should do this.
what do you guys think?
This is bullshit, just like having to complete community service hours. If you want to do the hours shouldn’t you do them out of wanting to help others and not because its mandated to graduate. People should want to get into shape for themselves not because of some bullshit requirements.
dude holy shit. my pic is on your shirt. that’s gangster as fuck.
agree that it’s bullshit.
i think they should continue to use BMI. i like miserably failing BMI tests and then ppl see me in person.
Interestingly, they also measure an individuals waist, to see if the BMI is just because they’ve got huge gunz or whatever.
also from the article:
"The fitness course, called “Fitness for Life,” consists of activities including water aerobics, Tai Bo and aerobic dance, he said. "
Absolute shit.
While we’re at it, we should also not let people graduate until they have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Wouldn’t half of the college football team be considered morbidly obese? BMI is so retarded…
[quote]SSC wrote:
Absolute shit.
While we’re at it, we should also not let people graduate until they have blonde hair and blue eyes.[/quote]
people cant help what hair and eye color they are born with. being a fat lazy fuck is a lifestyle choice.
horrible arguement.
you’re probably one of those people who argues against gym class in grade school.
and people wonder why america is becoming so obese
I agree with the concept, but not under BMI. I think a standardized fitness test would be better. Otherwise fat slobs will be walking around with that alma mater.
Think about like this: You get a tattoo done. It’s a good piece of work and you want to reccomend that artist to your friends. You’re basically carrying his name around. Conversely, if the art is shit, you’re still carrying around his name.
Or, for all the military/cops/other badasses on here: How many tubs of shit do you see in uniform everyday that offend you to be in the service? They walk around off base saying that they’re in the same service as you, and the general population starts forming opinions about the service based on that.
I could carry this on to what I think about health care and/or insurance, but that should probably wait for P/WI.
Edit to add: Dammit Boz, you beat to it. I thought I was going to post a good, original, thought provoking thread.
also, if the picture is of her and she claims to be only slightly over BMI, then she def needs to take the course because she needs a reality check. Also I am sure the college made student aware of the requirements when they decided to go to the school. it seems like the fat lazy slob knew about the class and then procrastinated…now she is whining because of it.
what is sad is she will probably get her way
[quote]Otep wrote:
Interestingly, they also measure an individuals waist, to see if the BMI is just because they’ve got huge gunz or whatever.
also from the article:
"The fitness course, called “Fitness for Life,” consists of activities including water aerobics, Tai Bo and aerobic dance, he said. "
If they are truly targeting all out obesity and not guys who just happen to bigger than average, then I do not really have a problem with this in and of itself. I see some people walking around so fat that they can’t even walk without waddling and breathing heavy.
I am not sure if it is a college’s place to dictate lifestyle to people though.
I lived in the gym in college. However, if someone had forced me to take those dumbass aerobics classes, I would have been pissed.
My BMI is 41.1. I also don’t see them telling 300lbs linemen to diet before graduation…unless they are really fucking stupid.
I guess that means I do not like the idea of a college telling people how to live…but I also don’t see the point of living your entire life as someone with a waist over 55" just because you like cupcakes.
If Lincoln University were a public school I would have a problem with this rule, however it is private. Lincoln is also a historically black school and although obesity is hitting all races it affects blacks and Hispanics more than whites and may be a particular problem at a University such as this one.
Fuck that shit. If I was told to lose weight before I graduate, I’d be fucking PISSED. According to them, I wouldn’t be eligible to graduate because I chose to gain a lot of weight for my own personal reasons.
If they’re going to fail this one girl, they need to hold everyone else to the same standard, which surely would mean failing the majority of the football team. If they don’t, as much as I hate fat people and how everyone sues everyone for everything these days, I’d like to see her sue the shit out of the school for discrimination and win. Maybe that would teach them not to come up with ridiculous fucking standards.
BMI? Really? When the fuck are we going to realize it’s a bullshit method of testing body composition?
[quote]bozbot wrote:
SSC wrote:
Absolute shit.
While we’re at it, we should also not let people graduate until they have blonde hair and blue eyes.
people cant help what hair and eye color they are born with. being a fat lazy fuck is a lifestyle choice.
horrible arguement.
you’re probably one of those people who argues against gym class in grade school.
and people wonder why america is becoming so obese[/quote]
You’re probably one of those people who makes illogical conclusions because you’re a fucking idiot.
Discrimination is wrong whether you’re fat, stinky, tall, Asian, retarded, or whatever.
And people wonder why America is considered to be less intelligent than other nations.
I don’t think it’s a big deal … if the fat kids don’t want to do it they can take their credits to another school … it’s a mixed incentive: it’s an incentive for fat kids to a: lose weight or b: not attend this university.
It’s an incentive for skinny kids to a:stay in shape/skinny or b: go to another school and get fat if they so choose
It’s nothing to get your panties in a bunch about … it’ll even itself out in the end
This is wrong.
This should be done in grade school before these kids become fat. It sickens me to see such young children with beer guts and fat rolls.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Fuck that shit. If I was told to lose weight before I graduate, I’d be fucking PISSED. According to them, I wouldn’t be eligible to graduate because I chose to gain a lot of weight for my own personal reasons.
If they’re going to fail this one girl, they need to hold everyone else to the same standard, which surely would mean failing the majority of the football team. If they don’t, as much as I hate fat people and how everyone sues everyone for everything these days, I’d like to see her sue the shit out of the school for discrimination and win. Maybe that would teach them not to come up with ridiculous fucking standards.
BMI? Really? When the fuck are we going to realize it’s a bullshit method of testing body composition?[/quote]
The story says their waist was measured to make sure their BMI wasn’t because of muscle mass. Also, this graduating class knew of this their freshman year and possibly before hand, plenty of time to get in shape or transfer.
Schools can do things to ensure the health of their student body. Physical activity and fitness also leads to better mental health/self esteem.
However, BMI is a retarded way to go about it. My BMI is well over 30 and if they tried to make me to water aerobics, I’d be pissed.
yeah I see no problem… I think they should grandfather everyone in(whatever they call it exactly) As in the people in the school already shouldn’t be held to that requirement, but any new students know exactly what is expected of them. Its like any other requirement or prerequisite in school… no one bitches because they have to take calc 1 to take calc 2. Most colleges have at least one wellness requirement anyways.
Maybe I’m making a bad assumption but I highly doubt that they would make someone with a high bmi because of muscle etc… take the class.
[quote]SSC wrote:
bozbot wrote:
SSC wrote:
Absolute shit.
While we’re at it, we should also not let people graduate until they have blonde hair and blue eyes.
people cant help what hair and eye color they are born with. being a fat lazy fuck is a lifestyle choice.
horrible arguement.
you’re probably one of those people who argues against gym class in grade school.
and people wonder why america is becoming so obese
You’re probably one of those people who makes illogical conclusions because you’re a fucking idiot.
Discrimination is wrong whether you’re fat, stinky, tall, Asian, retarded, or whatever.
And people wonder why America is considered to be less intelligent than other nations.[/quote]
His statement was more logical than yours.
So, you have no problem with: fat cops/firemen, retarded teachers/cops/firemen/soldiers, etc?