I’m taking Nutrition 150 from San Diego City College online, and I swear every person in my class is fucking retarded. The book isn’t much better.
The book recommend not more than 15% of your diet coming from protein, citing kidney failure, increased cholesterol, and ketoacidosis as side effects of a high protein diet. One of our discussion boards posed the question, “Are high protein diets the best way to lose weight?” Everyone said no because of the above dangers. No one thought to eat vegetables with their meat in this diet, apparently.
I’m constantly arguing with other students about their ridiculous beliefs, like HFCS being the largest cause of obesity. Contributing factor yes, but the reason? No, that’s because we eat too much and don’t work out. We’re lazy and stupid. Shock.
Honestly bro, dont even bother trying. I mean this in a calm, who gives a fuck kind of way. You’re not gonna get through to them and they’re not gonna get through to you. And since its a class, you obviously have to regurgitate what ever they’re spewing at you, so just smile like a fucktard and nod your head all while not giving a shit about their retarded “healthy way of eating”.
[quote]AceRock wrote:
I’m constantly arguing with other students about their ridiculous beliefs, like HFCS being the largest cause of obesity. Contributing factor yes, but the reason? No, that’s because we eat too much and don’t work out. We’re lazy and stupid. Shock.
You’re going to get yourself in trouble 'round these parts saying things like that…
I actually took a nutrition class awhile back as part of my major. I would rip every question and ignorant comment to shreds, not to mention i didnt read a lick of the book. Needless to say, i had the highest grade in the class lol
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
I actually took a nutrition class awhile back as part of my major. I would rip every question and ignorant comment to shreds, not to mention i didnt read a lick of the book. Needless to say, i had the highest grade in the class lol[/quote]
Funny you mention this, haven’t opened my book yet and got 100% on the first test.
I’ll mention what I do to all fellow nutrition students; get your degree and get out of there. If someone won’t look at evidence or reason logically, fuck them and forget about them. Nutritional education is dogmatic as hell and intellectual discourse is long forgotten (or never introduced, either or).
Just make sure that your views don’t become equally dogmatic (with the opposing view), that shit happened to me once. (Lack of logic and going back to one’s bias is contagious).
I wouldn’t worry about it. Your nutrition class probably sucks (either the students or the material covered) if you can get the highest grade in the class without needing to read the textbook.
[quote]AceRock wrote:
I’m taking Nutrition 150 from San Diego City College online, and I swear every person in my class is fucking retarded. The book isn’t much better.
The book recommend not more than 15% of your diet coming from protein, citing kidney failure, increased cholesterol, and ketoacidosis as side effects of a high protein diet. One of our discussion boards posed the question, “Are high protein diets the best way to lose weight?” Everyone said no because of the above dangers. No one thought to eat vegetables with their meat in this diet, apparently.
I’m constantly arguing with other students about their ridiculous beliefs, like HFCS being the largest cause of obesity. Contributing factor yes, but the reason? No, that’s because we eat too much and don’t work out. We’re lazy and stupid. Shock.
[quote]silverhydra wrote:
Nutritional education is dogmatic as hell and intellectual discourse is long forgotten (or never introduced, either or).
Not in the schools I went to or with the people I went with.
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
I actually took a nutrition class awhile back as part of my major. I would rip every question and ignorant comment to shreds, not to mention i didnt read a lick of the book. Needless to say, i had the highest grade in the class lol[/quote]
Funny you mention this, haven’t opened my book yet and got 100% on the first test.
Try that in Advanced Nutrition Metabolism class with the book by Groppler and Groppler. You’ll fail - MISERABLY!
You also might fail in the following courses by never taking a look at a book.
Contemporary Nutriton
Medical Nutrition Therapy I and II (guaranteed failure)
Nutrition Communications
Food Science
Food Technology
Biostatistics (especially an advanced course)
Weight Control (masters level)
Exercise Physiology (MIGHT fail without book)
Advanced Nutrition Metabolism I and II (masters level)
Research Methodology (undergrad and masters level)
I’d like to add Foodservice Management and Community Nutrition. You might actually get a 20 or below on the exam without looking at the books or personal notes.
She’s a very nice person. Actually they all are. I dunno where everyone got this idea of RDs. Most of the ones I was taught by were the nicest, open minded, generous people I’ve met.
And you’re fortunate enough to be taught by professors who are NOT like the “idiotic dietitians” that so many on here complain about. This particularly goes for SS at that school, who teaches the classes dealing with sports nutrition and weight control and heads up the internship.
(I’m using initials here for real life people because of my previous maniacal posts on here. Because my avatar is of my face, I don’t need these people Googling their own names and then find a former student of theirs on here swearing and flying off the handle, despite the fact that I refrain from doing that sort of thing anymore.)
i’m assuming you have taken all these classes you have listed brick. is the approach as dogmatic and outdated as it sounds like it is in the intro-level courses?