TM79's Training Journal

Greetings from the great state of NC! My name is Trent and I am 41 years old. 5’10", 175 lb. I have a fairly broad background and like to include several different styles of training into my routine. For lifting, I train the main three lifts and also include Overhead Press and Pull-ups. For conditioning, I include metcons and really enjoy longish runs/biking/swimming. Like many over 35’ers I am dealing with injuries. Some of which prevent me from doing certain things or lifting as heavy as I would prefer. I workout in my garage and have done so for 7 years now. On the main lifts, I usually run 6 week cycles and adjust working set weight/reps each week. I try to stick to higher reps/lower weight most of the time as that is easier on the aging body. Anyway, it’s great to be here and I look forward to seeing what you all are up to!



BW: 175.8
Yesterday’s Output: 2,651
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,451
Net: +800

Warmup: LISS – 15% Incline
1 Mile, 20:00, 264 Cals

Box Squat


Stats: 14:30, 91 Cals, 97 BPM

4 Rounds:
10 Squats, 115 lb
10 Decline Push-ups
10 Inverted Barbell Rows
10 GHD Sit-ups

Stats: 10:40, 118 Cals, 124 BPM

Conditioning: Intervals/Sprints
3 Rounds:
10 Burpees + 15 KB Swings, 40 lb
200-Meter LISS

Stats: 13:30. 169 Cals, 139 BPM

Comments: This is week 5 of this cycle. I am going back to high reps/low weight for these last two weeks. This is my first time doing working sets over 12 reps in my life. It’s funny, I would get to about 10 reps and go, “wait, I still have 5 more to go?” Ha ha… Definitely feeling the higher volume. Good accessory circuit and conditioning too. Drenched in sweat.

Welcome aboard!

Welcome. Looked up Metcons and all I get is a line of shoes. What’s it stand for? What kind of distances you talking about in the swimming? I assume your swimming indoor this time of year.

Thank you kindly. It’s good to be here. I look forward to checking out your journal.

Thank you for the welcome. Metcon stands for metabolic conditioning, basically crossfit types of conditioning sessions. I make the distinction as I don’t “do crossfit.” But I do enjoy doing those types of conditioning sessions so I, instead, choose metcons that minimize my risk of injury (not lifting heavy or doing complex movements, etc.). Most crossfitters believe that the random training that they do is all they need to achieve their strength and conditioning goals. I see it more from a holistic perspective and use it for exactly what it is. It is more of a conditioning workout that uses mostly strength training exercises completed for time to get your heart rate up. I really enjoy that for conditioning but treat it as such. You will not come close to reaching your strength potential from doing crossfit alone. Nor will you come close to reaching your aerobic conditioning potential. I find it helpful as medium-length, higher intensity conditioning and plug them in about twice per week.

For the swimming, I usually do about 1 mile and do it in the summer only at the neighborhood pool. I’m longing to get a bike and start biking again. I’d probably be doing about 20 miles on the bike. Lately it’s been all running for the distance cardio and I average about 5 miles.

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BW: 175.0
Yesterday’s Output: 3,382
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,295
Net: -87

Warmup: LISS – 15% Incline
1 Mile, 20:00, 264 Cals

Hex Deads

Overhead Press

Hammer-Grip Pull-ups

Stats: 15:45, 154 Cals, 126 BPM

4 Rounds:
10xDeadlifts, 115 lb
10 Wide-Grip Push-ups on the barbell
10 Rows, 115 lb
10 Back Extensions

Stats: 8:53, 113 Cals, 145 BPM

Conditioning: Metcon
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Power Cleans, 2x40 lb
Ring Dips

Stats: 7:02, 84 Cals, 134 BPM

Comments: Boy those 15-rep deads will get the blood flowing… Glad to get reps of 15 on HG Pull-ups too. Sped through that accessory session. The BPM tells that story. Smoker of a metcon too. Have a good day!

BW: 176.2
Yesterday’s Output: 3,605
Yesterday’s Intake: 2,997
Net: -608

Rest Day

LISS – 15% Incline
3 Miles, 60:00, 792 Cals

Comments: Just Rest Day LISS this morning. I had the pleasure of doing an expense report this entire time… We have a lot of manual labor at work today so torching calories should be a piece of cake.

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BW: 176.6
Yesterday’s Output: 3,830
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,374
Net: -456

Warmup: LISS – 15% Incline
2 Miles, 40:00, 528 Cals

Conditioning: Metcon

On a 12-minute clock, for max reps each round:
LISS 2-Minutes
1 Minute of Pull-ups for Max Reps: 22
Rest 1 minute
LISS 2-Minutes
1 Minute of Push-ups for Max Reps: 48
Rest 1 minute
LISS 2-Minutes
1 Minute of Squats for Max Reps: 70

Stats: 11:00, 136 Cals, 136 BPM

Comments: Man, I’m dragging pretty hard after yesterday. That was a long day. Today should be similar too. Out here anyway this morning. Let’s get some!

Metcon: This was shorter than I wanted but I have to be at work early so it is what it is. Decent max rep sets.


BW: 176.8
Yesterday’s Output: 3,546
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,473
Net: -74

Warmup: LISS – 15% Incline
2 Miles, 40:00, 440 Cals

Bro Work I:
Work up to a moderately heavy set of 6 on Front Squat.
Superset with 10 Reverse Hypers.

Stats: 8:00, 50 Cals, 90 BPM

Bro Work II:
4 Rounds:
8 Floor Glute-Ham Raises
8 Paused CGBP, 115 lb
8 Straight Bar Curls, 65 lb
20 Sit-ups

Stats: 14:09, 120 Cals, 99 BPM

Cool Down: LISS – 15% Incline
1 Mile, 20:00, 264 Cals

Comments: Lower back and IT Band are killing me after two days of manual labor at work. Picking up and carrying heavy stuff just gets me now. Oh well, at least I don’t do it every day.

Bro Work: The thing with Front Squats is that they are just insanely uncomfortable to me. I feel like I could lift a lot more weight if I ever just got used to that front rack position but I just don’t care enough about that lift to get used to it.


Not my favorite exercise either. Have you tried using straps to hold the bar?

Sure haven’t. Like wrist support straps or the straps used for helping your grip?

The ones for helping your grip.

That is a brilliant idea! Definitely going to give that a shot. Thanks for sharing.

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I have to admit I don’t understand a lot of the stuff your saying. The output/input numbers and the bro work and stats. That’s ok. Half the stuff I post, especially my throwing stuff, confuses everyone, too. Does look like yur putting the work in and that’s what counts.

Ha ha, fair enough. The output/input are calories burned vs. eaten. The bro work is just random lifting just for the heck of it. I actually learned a lot of this terminology from people on previous forums. Lol.

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BW: 175.6
Yesterday’s Output: 3,576
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,231
Net: -345

Conditioning: Distance Run. Outdoor. Paved
5 Miles, 41:27, 8:16 Pace, 662 Cals, 159 BPM

Comments: Felt like absolute garbage for this run. My legs were smoked from yesterday and I am pretty exhausted in general. I got off work yesterday and then busted out a ton of work on our house, then polished it off with some beers. This morning I had to get up early to take my daughter to her 8:00AM :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: soccer game. Anyway, got it done at a decent pace. About two minutes slower than my PR for this distance two weeks ago.


BW: 175.8
Yesterday’s Output: 2,731
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,186
Net: +455

Warmup: LISS – 15% Incline
1 Mile, 20:00, 264 Cals

Box Squat


Stats: 20:57, 130 Cals, 86 BPM

3 Rounds:
5 Goblet Squats, 80 lb
5 Ring Dips
5 Ring Rows with body parallel
5 GHD Sit-ups
10 Goblet Squats, 40 lb
10 Ring Push-ups with body parallel
10 Reverse Grip Ring Rows
10 V-ups

Stats: 11:13, 114 Cals, 123 BPM

Conditioning: Intervals/Sprints
2 Rounds:
30 Burpees
400-Miter LISS

Stats: 16:28, 207 Cals, 142 BPM

Comments: This is the last week of my (6 week) cycle. Going to stay with high reps/low weight. Actually going to do some 20 rep sets this week. That’s a first. To offset the light weight work sets, I will do some heavier accessory work.

Strength: Knees weren’t liking the 20 reps squat sets. Could have gone heavier on all of that but it was good to keep it manageable I guess…

Accessory: This wasn’t very hard. Just going through the motions.

Burpees/LISS: 30-rep burpees are not fun…


BW: 174.8
Yesterday’s Output: 3,463
Yesterday’s Intake: 2,706
Net: -757

Romanian Deadlifts

Stats: 6:37, 40 Cals, 84 BPM

Overhead Press

Reverse-Grip Ring Rows

Stats: 8:55, 55 Cals, 91 BPM

4 Rounds:
6 DB Hang Power Cleans, 2x40 lb
6 Paused Pull-ups
6 Paused Diamond Push-ups
6 Back Extensions holding a 25 lb plate

Stats: 9:17, 88 Cals, 127 BPM

Conditioning: Metcon
4 rounds for time of:
8 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
12 GHD Sit-ups

Stats: 8:50, 90 Cals, 117 BPM

Comments: I tweaked something in my right knee yesterday and it was hurting pretty bad by yesterday afternoon. Managed to get out and ride the skateboard a little bit, which may have loosened it up some. It feels a little better this morning, but I’m going to try and work around it today. Therefore, I am subbing in RDL’s instead of Hex Deadlifts to minimize quad/knee involvement.

Strength: Once again, 20 rep sets are not fun…

Accessory: Good combo here. Low reps and powerful.

Metcon: Gotta love an all upper body metcon. Knee is thankful to have not been a part of that.

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Rest Day

BW: 175.2
Yesterday’s Output: 3,311
Yesterday’s Intake: 2,834
Net: -477

LISS – 15% Incline
3 Miles, 1 Hour, 792 Cals

10-Minute Full Body Stretching/Mobility