If anyone knows me they know I like to quote movies, a lot Heavyweights i a movie my brothers and I know every line of. Easily one of my favorite movies.
Movie quoting aside, my original log hit it’s max number of replies last night. It lasted almost 2 years, and I made some decent(ish) progress during that time. But, as always, it’s never good enough. So, here starts the next leg in my journey to becoming a BEAST! I wouldn’t say I’m a PLer, and I’m not a BBer (although I do know I’m going to eventually do both). I just love being in the gym, and getting better at each session.
Link to my old log: http://tnation.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/blog_sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding_log/my_road_to_beastness_w_vids
And here is my most recent training vid from yesterday’s session:
And a lol vid of when I first started training about 2.5 years ago, just to better show the progress I’ve made this far:
I have been training with CT’s methods ever since the original HP Mass article came out and I don’t plan on ever straying from his way of training. I’m currently running an altered version of CT’s HP Mass:
Monday (Upper Boddy: OH Press, Bench, Top-Half Bench from Pins, and Squat)
4 sets of 3, 3 sets of 2, and 1 set of 1 for each exercise.
Tuesday (Upper Body: same as Monday)
2 sets of 3, 2 sets of 2, and 4 sets of 1 for each exercise.
Wednesday (Lower Body: Squat, Deadlift, and one upper body lift)
4 sets of 3, 3 sets of 2, and 1 set of 1 for each exercise.
Thursday (Lower Body: same as Wednesday)
2 sets of 3, 2 sets of 2, and 4 sets of 1 for each exercise
Friday (1 upper and 1 lower lift, usually bench and squat)
4 sets of 3, and 4 sets of 2
Saturday (test day for 1 upper and 1 lower lift)
Work up to a training max for the day. Nothing all out, but get a PR if I can.
Sunday: off, but I’ve been going in and basically doing Friday’s session again.
I mainly take only Biotest. But here are my staples
hydrolyzed casein
ElitePro Minerals
Z12 (on weekends when I can sleep in. I have problems staying asleep most nights)
fish oil (10g a day)
vit D (5,000 IUs at breakfast)
That’s that. Any questions about anything else, shoot them my way.