Just thought I would update this first post. Current date is 4-15-10. I am 25 now,my best lifts are still a 699 squat, 501 bench, and an 804 deadlift. I broke my L3 a couple years ago and my squat has suffered the most so that has taken priority. Next comp is nationals in Palm Spring, CA and I will get a 2100lb total in 275 open come hell or high water.
7-7-09- ME Bench
Hungover Floor Press-
405x1<~~~~ big pr for me because my bench sucks…
Supra Bar Lying Tri Ext.-
Seated Row- V-Handle-
1 arm lateral Raise-
Pec Dec-
I was pretty burnt out. I left the gym and came straight to work. I’m a grad assistant strength and conditioning coach. So, I get paid to be a meathead.
Later Today:
20-30mins of light stretching
10 minute contrast shower
Gigantic steak
7-8-09- RE Stuff
Face-Pulls/Tri. Push Downs- Blue Band over a rack-
Incline Fly’s-
5 weeks out from MD State Powerlifting Championship. Just had to re-evaluate all of my training percentages beause I hit a 710 squat in training, destroyed a 771 deadlift at the Night of The Living Dead. Also, by some grace of god, got a 500 bench in a new Metal King Presser. So, day one of 5 weeks out:
Sunday-11-15-09-DE Lower
Foam Roller x 10mins
Squats- Green Bands
Pulls-Fatty Bar quaded minis
SL Sit-ups-
Band Pull Downs- One Foot Forward-Blue Band/Superset with Band Assisted Pull-ups
2x20 each leg/2x20
Plate Pinches- 2 25lb plates with the smooth sides facing out
2x15 seconds
Stretched x 15 mins
If I dont get 2000lbs in december, I am killing myself.
Monday-11-16-09- Extra
135lbsx600 feet
270lbsx600 feet<~~~ PR!
Tuesday-11-17-09- ME Upper
All Day- Tons of foam rolling, stretching, and general mobility work
Rev. Band Bench-
135, 225x5
Seated Pin Shoulder Press-
Chain 20lbs of feeder chain
1 set of chainx8
Blast Strap Face Pulls-
Tri Push Downs- Green Band
Pretty good workout, would have loved to hit the 505 but i got too loose. Oh well, hopefully I can get it before the meet.
Wednesday-11-18-09- Extra- Back and Bi’s… yea, I said it…
Bent Over Rows-
One Arm Seated Row- Crappy Hammer Strength machine in the athletic weightroom
340lbsx 2x12 each arm
390lbsx 1x12 each arm
Reverse Barbell Curls-
95lbsx3x10<~~~~ definite weakness here. My forearms are screaming and aching already
Seated Hammer Curls-
Bunch of different int./ext. shoulder movements
x10 each
Weighted Crunches
25lbsx30, 30, 30, 10= 100 reps
Stretched x 15mins
Did a ton of pressing yesterday and felt I needed to balance it out with tons of pulling today. I did something like this a while ago, putting all bench/pressing on one day then doing all of my back/lat work on the next. It worked pretty well for me. My upper body pulling muscles are definietly a weakness and them having their own day makes them the priority one or 2 days a week. There’s no way I would have been able to get the amount of volume out of the amount of weight I was moving on a normal bench day.
Thursday-11-19-09- ME Lower
Rev. Band Squats- Doubled Purples off a 7 foot rack- took 0 off the top and about 100lbs off the bottom
765x1<~~~ Lower back rounded, definitely wasn’t tight enough, the weight felt real good on my back though and required a high amount of strain at the lockout
Cambered Bar, Close Stance, Goodmornings 120lbs of chain
Standing Crunches-
Average Band-2x15
Strong Band-2x12
Side Planks-
2x30s on/30s off, each side
Friday-11-20-09-DE Upper
Quickly Benching- doubled minis
175x8 or 9 for reps of 1 or 2. Shoulders felt beat up.
JM Presses-
135x25, 30s rest
135x17<~~~~ neither were to failure, probably could have grinded 5 or so more reps on each but there is no reason to do that so close to a competition
1 arm lateral raises
Chain Flys-
2 sets of chainsx15
3 setsx2x10<~~~ I am going to be sore from this
Took it easy today, feeling a little burnt out and I want to shirt up and get something big on tuesday.
Later in the day:
135lbsx1200 feet<~~~ wanted to get to 2400 feet but I got really hungry.
Saturday-11-21-09-Extra Crap
5x20 band pull aparts
Shoulder pinch and press 3x10
Lightened Bench- greens
135x100x4 different grips
Band Assisted Pull ups- strong band
TKE’s off 4 inch foam pad and 1 mini band around the knee
2x50 each leg
Shoulder Pinch and Press x 3mins
Shoulder Traction- Average Band x 3 mins each arm
Dude you are a hoss! what gear do you use, and what training template/program do you use if you use one?
Haha, thanks buddy. Not a hoss yet, but I think I am finally starting to figure all this shit out. I’ve been using inzer suits and shirts for a while. I just started working in a Metal King Presser and I really like that. My arms are about 50 miles long, and the presser seems much better than the ragex for someone with my body type.
Program wise, I just do most of this shit based on how I feel that week and what I need to work on. Just like everyone else, I stole the template from westside, but my max effort and dynamic workouts are a little different. I also do a shit load more recovery and GPP than most people just because I’m a grad assistant strength coach at my college and I have access to everything all the time. Ever since I ramped up the recovery work and extra workouts my numbers have been going through the roof!!
What fed do you lift in and how’s your program set up?
Sunday Funday with Dynamic Efforts- 11-21-09
Speed Squat- Average Band Light Band
385x8x2<~~~~ Everything felt way too heavy and i didnt want to do this at all. I was lifting with Mike Hill today and he was telling me all the sets looked fast so I said f-it and just got it done.
Speed Pulls- Quaded Minis
405x8x1<~~~ faster than last week,
Band Good Mornings
Strong Bandx20
MONSTER BAND!!! x3x10<~~~~ this thing could be a tractor tire.
Band Side Bends- Average Band
5x15 each side
COC#2- 6x1 each hand
I’ve come to the conclusion that squat variations don’t help your squat. The awkward positions of the specialty bars and even how you sit when you box squat is so different from a real squat that it really doesnt help. These variations are awesome for deadlifts which is why I believe mine is always so good come meet time. Getting ready for states, I did a lot more free squatting with different forms of accommodated resistance, with bands, against bands, with chain, and I think I am going to stick with exercises like this for squat development for a while, especially if I get over 700 finally in december… just my 2 cents.
[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
Haha, thanks buddy. Not a hoss yet, but I think I am finally starting to figure all this shit out. I’ve been using inzer suits and shirts for a while. I just started working in a Metal King Presser and I really like that. My arms are about 50 miles long, and the presser seems much better than the ragex for someone with my body type.
Program wise, I just do most of this shit based on how I feel that week and what I need to work on. Just like everyone else, I stole the template from westside, but my max effort and dynamic workouts are a little different. I also do a shit load more recovery and GPP than most people just because I’m a grad assistant strength coach at my college and I have access to everything all the time. Ever since I ramped up the recovery work and extra workouts my numbers have been going through the roof!!
What fed do you lift in and how’s your program set up? [/quote]
I lift in the USAPL for my raw lifting, usually a meet before my football season, now I am trying to find some AAPF meets. Im in single ply too. I use a metal IPF squatter, a Titan F6, and either raw, or my squat suit or a deadlift.
My program is similar to your too, Ive use some basic westide methods, but with more usage of the big lifts. I squat and deadlift every week now.
11-23-09- extra
It was pouring down rain today so:
90lbsx3000 feet
Straight Leg Sit-Ups
Dropping the intensity on the sled dragging just to focus more on recovery in preperation for the meet.
Tuesday -11-25-09- ME Upper
Metal King Presser-
4 board
2 board
455- no touch
480x1<~~~~ My form with bench shirts is really coming along. This will be a really easy opener at the meet.
Pin Seated Shoulder Press- No Back Support<~~ sucks
Band Assisted Pull-Ups- Green
3x12<~~~ this is awesome because I couldnt do one set of 12, 2 months ago
Band Push Downs- Green
Shoulder Tractioning
My biggest goal for this competition coming up is to get a 500lb bench and now it looks like I will destroy that on my second attempt.
Wednesday- 11-26-09- Extra
Sled-90lbs for 3000 feet
Sledgehammer- 8lbs- overhead slams for 1 minute each arm
Thursday- 11-27-09- ME Lower
Rev. Band Pulls- Average Band
495, 585, 675x1
added Inzer MaxDL
855x1<~~~~ easy. Bands were taking off zero at the top and 135 was bouncing on the floor. I usually get a 50lb carryover to my real deadlift which is keeping right on track for 804lbs in december
Pull Down Abs- Strong band
Band GMs- Strong band
TKE’s- 2 minis and standing on 6 inches of balance pads
[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
Wednesday- 11-26-09- Extra
Sled-90lbs for 3000 feet
Sledgehammer- 8lbs- overhead slams for 1 minute each arm
Thursday- 11-27-09- ME Lower
Rev. Band Pulls- Average Band
495, 585, 675x1
added Inzer MaxDL
855x1<~~~~ easy. Bands were taking off zero at the top and 135 was bouncing on the floor. I usually get a 50lb carryover to my real deadlift which is keeping right on track for 804lbs in december
Pull Down Abs- Strong band
Band GMs- Strong band
TKE’s- 2 minis and standing on 6 inches of balance pads
nice deadlifts man. I wish mine would come togehter sometime
Thanks, I’m lucky. I’m built perfect for pulling. Long arms and big hands, which is why my bench sucks. haha. oh well, i’d much rather close the show than have a big bench. actually id rather do both. haha.
Saturday-11-28-09- Nice weightroom… not.
The website said “extensive” weightroom. There wasnt a bench, a bar, any plates, no dumbells over 40lbs, not a d**n thing worth using. The place was god awful. So, I did a bunch of push ups in my hotel room and then drank way too much at the wedding.
Sunday-11-29-09- Transformation Lower- being hungover made this a lot harder than it shouldve been.
Speed Squats- 420 4 average bands- About 720 at the lockout
Speed Pulls- Quaded mini bands
455x3x1<~~~ fast!
Standing Band Crunches- Strong band
Dying for the rest of the night. This was a killer workout. Those squats were no joke. Even though it was about 300lbs of band tension, the weight moved pretty fast and wasnt too much of a shock on my back. Good stuff.
Thursday-12-10-09-ME Lower
Pin Squats- 24th hole- right at parallel for me
worked up to an easy 585
Speed Pulls-
405 quded minis
Fat Abs- average band
3x12<~~~ PR