BW: 174.4
Yesterday’s Output: 3,602
Yesterday’s Intake: 3,351
Net: -252
Warmup: LISS – 15% Incline
2 Miles, 40:00, 528 Cals
Conditioning: Metcon
Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
15 Calorie LISS (Sub for Rowing)
10 Burpees over the dumbbells (over the rower)
10 DB Power Cleans, 2x40 lb (Sub for 95 lb barbell)
*No/minimal rest between rounds. (Sub for Rest
between rounds for roughly the same amount of
time that you spent working.)
Stats: 5 Rounds, 223 Cals, 127 BPM
Comments: I’ve been sitting on this metcon for a while. Today is the day. This is supposed to be a “partner” metcon, so you would alternate rounds with someone else and rest while they are working. I don’t have a partner. Just a hairy chest and plenty of grit. So no rest for me. Had to sub some things out to suit my equipment/injuries/etc. The substitutions are noted. It wasn’t too bad.