Starting a training log. I was hesitant to do this at first but the more I think about it there is no reason NOT to. If keeping this log elicits the slightest sliver of feedback to improve my lifts it will have been worth it. Hopefully someone reading this will be able to get some help from me as well. Some brief background:
Age: 25
Height: 5’6"
Weight (9/22) 238
Best Lifts:
Squat: 480 (no wraps)
Bench: 300 (gym) – 270 at my last meet
Deadlift: 500
I started working out when I was 16, just using some dumbbells and a machine in my parents’ basement (something similar to a bowflex). I didn’t make much progress. Most of my teen years were spent getting in to a lot of trouble - I was lucky to not do too much damage but all that needs to be said is that my escapdes exceeded well beyond your typical drinking and drugging experimentation. I was 21 before I got that straightened out. With my priorities better aligned, I was able to learn about proper nutrition and finally make some progress with the weights. I built a respectable physique and even got some abs to show at a svelte 150 pounds
Fast forward 2 years, I’m 23 and move out of my parents’ place. Hit up a commercial gym for the first time and pick up a barbell for the first time. That day I saw some fat kid squat 300 pounds and realized I had my priorities all wrong. I studied strength training and started following Stronglifts 5x5 and within 8 months I was squatting that same 300 pounds for reps.
And the rest is history. I did my first power meet in January of this year and totaled 1165 at 220. I did my second one On 7/24/16 and got that number up to 1250 (480/270/500) at 242. I am still very much a beginner but there is no doubt I am bit by the iron bug hard. I did a full write-up of this meet which is over in the Powerlifting section for anyone interested.
I had been preparing for another RPS meet in October, however with work picking up and interfering with my training cycle I came to the decision that this meet was not in the cards. I’ve decided to hold off on competing most likely until 2017. In the meantime I am working on dropping a few pounds while continuing to push my strength up.
Thanks to anyone giving input and following along.
Just put the finishing touches on my programming for the upcoming cycle. I’m itching to get back in the gym tomorrow after a week off completey from lifting. The destination is RPS Annihilation on October 22nd. Some specific training goals:
Continue to bring up the posterior chain. I have strong quads and need to fill out my hamstrings to keep my squat and deadlift going up.
Keep adding upper body mass. This has been a work in progress. Like I said I want to get up to 250 and I’d like for a lot of that to be up top. I carry a lot of my weight in my lower body so my bench is lagging relatively speaking.
Get my bench technique dialed in. Seriously. And use higher percentages for this cycle than last for most of my volume work.
Record everything. I hate playing with my phone camera during training but watching myself lift has helped me learn immensely what my weaknesses are. So I’m committing to that.
Deload after each 3-week wave. Thatll be 9 weeks out, 5 weeks out, and meet week. I only deloaded once last time (aside from meet week which is always a deload).
Learn to use knee wraps. They’re in the mail … I’m not taking a heavy single until 7 weeks out, so that’ll likely be my trial run.
Update for sake of keeping track. Bodyweight at 239.0 on the nose this morning 8/2. Would like to be waking up at 250 by the time I need to start thinking about making weight - say around Oct. 12.
Monday’s lower body session was the most volume I’ve hit in a couple months. Was sore as all hell Tues. and today and could hardly walk around at work. So started today’s session with some lower body foam rolling. Then went:
Bench: 240x3x4; 250x3x3
Whipped out the 2-board and went 270x3, 290x3, and 310x1. 310x3 would have been a 10-lb PR but with the volume beforehand I just ran out of gas after the first rep and missed the second. Still a good bench session overall and I’m happy with the volume and intensity I have set up going forward.
Skull Crushers: 80x10, 100x10, 120x10 (10 lb PR)
Incline Tate Press: 35’sx13; 30’sx11; 25’sx12
Band Pressdowns (red mini): 100 total reps
Band Pull Aparts (red mini): 300 total reps
My leg drive sucks and I need to address that. Also I need to dial in my grip width. The bars in my shitty commercial gym all have differently-spaced rings so its hard to be consistent. Things to work on.
A 1-lb swing day-to-day is a pretty flat fluctuation at 240. Carbs have been relatively controlled. As long as I’m inching up to 250 by October I’m on track.
FRIDAY 8/5/2016
Speed Squats: 265x12x2 (55%, 30 sec. rest)
SSB Squats: 245x8, 295x8, 315x8 (10 lb PR). I had never recorded these but now that I did I immediately spot a weak point. Gotta work on staying tighter and avoiding that pitch forward before each ascent.
Speed Deadlifts: 8 singles @ 325 (65%, 30 sec. rest)
Speed work felt GREAT. Assistance work was a lot of volume and a war of attrition.
Dimel Deadlifts: 150x2x20; 1x16
GHR x11, x9, x9
Leg Press: 95 lb on the machine, 4x30
Standing Band Crunches (gray average band): 5 sets max reps
Somewhere between the Dimels and 30-rep leg presses I was ready to puke and have a heart attack. I already can’t wait to get closer to meet day and drop some of this volume off.
Bodyweight 239.4. I actually had to tighten my Inzer belt one notch before today’s workout. Thats a great sign after two weeks consecutively of really paying more attention to my diet. A lot of the bloat I had from all the shitty carbs I was eating seems to have dissipated.
Did all of these sets with my heels on the ground which felt okay. Thats step one in addressing my shitty leg drive. Step two will be testing it out on max effort day. Im sure I can get more leverage on the balls of my feet (eventually) but I need to learn to drive through my heels first.
Incline Bench: worked up to 185x9. Only my second or third time ever doing these.
DB Bench Press: 55’s 3x10
Assisted Wide-Grip Pull Ups: 3 sets, got to 19 total reps
Bodyweight this morning 238.8. Actually down slightly from same time last week despite fluctuation throughout the week. Have been successful in cleaning up the diet but obviously need more food.
Squats 370x2x4; 390x4x3
Deadlifts 390x2x4; 410x4x3. Tore a callus off on the second set at 410. Wasn’t deep and no blood. No harm no foul.
Cambered Bar Good Mornings: 175x6, 265x6, 340x6 (PR)
Reverse Lunges w/ 15 lb DB’s: 4x10 per leg
DB Stiff-Leg Deadlifts: 55’s 3x20
Standing Cable Crunches: 87.5 lbs 6x10
Today was one of those days where training felt like a chore that was never going to end. It happens. In the end, I grinded it out and didn’t miss one rep of any lift today, so it was a success. I am thoroughly spent.
Bodyweight was up over 242 this morning. Thats a more than 2.5 lb swing in 2 days. We’ll call that an outlier.
Felt shitty since Tuesday morning with a horrible tension headache. Slept for 12 hours after work Tuesday then today was pretty nauseas up until I went to the gym. Ended up being a great day for benching.
Bench: 250x2x4; 260x4x3
Today was the true test for heels on the ground benching. Felt great. Also brough my grip in closer about 1 inch. I like this setup and will tentatively use it going forward.
Close-Grip to a 2-board: 250x3, 270x3, 290x3 (5 lb PR), 300x2 (PR)
Neutral Grip DB Bench: 60’s 3x10
Skull Crushers: 85 lb 3x12
Incline Tate Press: 10’s 5x30
EZ Bar Curl: 75 lb x 15 then two sets to failure
Monday was a grind so today was my rebound and it felt great. I’ve now benched 300 to multiple heights, grips, and angles for reps. I need to hit it on the platform.
Bodyweight back down to 239 this morning after staying at 242 for two days. I ate a lot of good food today and I need to step it up if I want to gain and keep it on.
Speed Squats: 275x12x2 (57.5%, 30 sec rest)
Tension headache came back on the very first set. The fact that it didn’t bother me at all on bench day makes me think its squat-related. It doesn’t feel like a muscular or nerve issue, but who knows. I lowered the bar on my back and really focused on my breathing and that managed it. I may make a DR appointment just to rule out a blood pressure issue.
SSB Squats: Worked up to 355x6 which was a PR.
Was planning on hitting something near 400 for 6 today but I didn’t want to aggravate any issues with this headache. Took the small PR and moved on.
Deficit Deadlifts (standing on bumper plate): 365x5, 405x5, 425x3
Didn’t do these at all during my last meet cycle. Pretty sure the last time I did them I got up to 390x3 so this is a HUGE PR. Everything felt awesome today in general. If it was offseason I would have taken a weight on a competition deadlift.
GHR x13, x8, x7
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 60’s 2x20, 1x7 (lower back pump took me out)
Bodyweight: Over 244 this morning via Chipotle sodium bloat
Bench: 255x2x3; 270x4x2
Floor Press: Worked up to 265 x 2.5
I missed the third rep at my usual sticking point, but got a real good strain on it so I feel good about that. It took a while for my strength to come around today and by the time it did my elbows and shoulders were beat. That just means my planned deload for next week is good timing.
Bodyweight: ~244 this morning. Been between 242 and 244 every day this week.
Speed Squats: 290x10x2 (60%, 30 sec rest)
Pause Squats: 315x5, 365x5, 405x3.
Like the deficit deads earlier this week, this is my first time working pause squats in since before my last meet cycle. Major PR - I think my previous best was 315x5.
Speed Deadlifts: 350x6x1 (70%, 30 sec rest)
Hack Squat: 255x3x15
Leg Curls: 40 lb 5x20
Seated Band Hip Abduction (doubled red mini) 4x25
Good old fashioned, regular sit ups: 1x20, then 2 sets to abdominal cramping failure
My lower back was still a bit fatigued from Monday, but my legs feel stronger than they’ve ever been.