Time for a Training Partner?

Hey All,

As I continue on in my attempt to get a good deal bigger, I was wondering if you all thought getting a training partner would be of any use? If so, how would you go about doing it personally, I know I could probably look around my school and see if I can find anyone my age interested but other than that what would you suggest?

Thanks in advance.

I’ve always trained by myself but know I could have progressed faster (especially in the bench press) with a good partner. The best place to find one is in your gym. Look for someone at about your level that you see often and offer to spot them.

If you can find one with a reasonably similar schedule and training philosophy they’re awesome! I always make better gains when I have a partner.

If you work out at a gym on a regular schedule, then take stock of the other regulars. Is there anyone there who seems dedicated, driven, consistent, and maybe a little stronger than you? Someone you have at least a nodding acquaintance with? Do you ever ask anyone to spot you?

Get to know the people around you first, ask for a spot, offer the same, see if there’s someone else who seems to want to push himself harder than he (or she) can alone.

[quote]Kruiser wrote:
I’ve always trained by myself but know I could have progressed faster (especially in the bench press) with a good partner. The best place to find one is in your gym. Look for someone at about your level that you see often and offer to spot them.[/quote]

My schedule is too crazy to have a regular partner but Kruiser has some good advice. The times when I have trained with someone it has started with a simple offer from one of us to spot the other.

thanks for the advice guys - ill start looking.

[quote]blue9steel wrote:
If you can find one with a reasonably similar schedule and training philosophy they’re awesome! I always make better gains when I have a partner.[/quote]

i second this. if you can find someone who is on the same path as you and has the same commitment, then having a partner will be invaluable. The worst thing is to have a partner who never shows up on time (or at all) and then spends half the training sessions dicking around. In that case better to go it alone.