I have read a lot about both and heard of their benefits. I have been on Westside for Skinny Bastards for about 6 months or so and am seeing some great results especially last couple of months due to this site. I am just wondering how Waterbury’s TBT compares as I have heard by many to be the best at adding base size and strength.
My goals are to overall get bigger and stronger, but also to jump higher and run faster (basically get as freakish as possible). As I said I am trying to develop basal size and strength b/c after gaining a freshman 40 I dieted down to 150 at 6’3’'. I have worked myself back up to 190 at probably 10-12%, and would like to deadlift at least 2x bodyweight, and military press my weight/bench press 300+ (I deadlifted 285 for 3 reps off a 4 inch box, and bench probably 235).
I am well on my way to these goals, it’s just I fear maybe WSFSB is getting a little stagnant on me, and with spring around the corner would like to maximize the looking good/brutally strong aspect (which I am far from either) and was wondering maybe switching it up to Waterbury’s TBT for a while would jumpstart things a bit. I am always open to trying new programs, and was just wondering how the TBT stacks up. Also just from looking at a lot of posts it seems pretty half and half on which program to go on, so it would most likely benefit a lot of others as well.
Anyhow, I just thought it was funny as we both have the same immediate strength goals and are on the same program.
I am going to stick with WSFSB till I get to my goal. The only thing I might change is that I may change the exercise interval from every three weeks to every two weeks. TBT is a good program but for now I like the ME days as mentally it allows me to focus on one goal. I intend to use TBT when I need to loose fat while keeping muscle.
Yeah, the post certainly did get screwy in the middle there. And yes I agree completely, 150 at 6’3’’ is not healthy, but I can be very obsessive compulsive at times and being fat for the first time in my life scared the shit out of me. I only wish I had this website back then. Anyway, I switched over to the TBT program and am loving it so far, so I guess this post is finished unless ppl would like to find out how I dieted down from 215-150 in pretty much a summer (hahaha).
Well, I tried to respond earlier but the site got weird. Anyways I’ll keep it short this time.
40 hrs. a week of hard labor job, massive amounts of DDR Workout mode, small meals (tried to keep carbs low-glycemic but looking back I was eating quite a bit of yogurt and processed oatmeal, and other not so low-glycemic stuff), and sporadic lifting (lifting on little food and after 8 hrs. of hard labor is rough).
[quote]RED9 wrote:
I have read a lot about both and heard of their benefits. I have been on Westside for Skinny Bastards for about 6 months or so and am seeing some great results especially last couple of months due to this site. I am just wondering how Waterbury’s TBT compares as I have heard by many to be the best at adding base size and strength.
My goals are to overall get bigger and stronger, but also to jump higher and run faster (basically get as freakish as possible). As I said I am trying to develop basal size and strength b/c after gaining a freshman 40 I dieted down to 150 at 6’3’'. I have worked myself back up to 190 at probably 10-12%, and would like to deadlift at least 2x bodyweight, and military press my weight/bench press 300+ (I deadlifted 285 for 3 reps off a 4 inch box, and bench probably 235).
I am well on my way to these goals, it’s just I fear maybe WSFSB is getting a little stagnant on me, and with spring around the corner would like to maximize the looking good/brutally strong aspect (which I am far from either) and was wondering maybe switching it up to Waterbury’s TBT for a while would jumpstart things a bit. I am always open to trying new programs, and was just wondering how the TBT stacks up. Also just from looking at a lot of posts it seems pretty half and half on which program to go on, so it would most likely benefit a lot of others as well. [/quote]
Have you noticed any vertical gains? I’m trying to get 5-6 more inches so I can grab the rim with two hands. I don’t have much equipment at home either so I’m looking to see whether this program is good.
If you don’t have the means to deadlift, box squat, do bulgarian split squats, glute-ham raises, reverse hyperextensions, or the like, then no, most likely you will not see signifigant vertical gains.
To get more information on what will get you jumping out the gym check out defrancostraining.com.