[quote]DF85 wrote:
Once I get my 5 rep max bench up to 225 (215 max now)I am going to switch reoutines.
I am currently on Bill Starrs intermediate 5x5, I am ganining every week, but I’ve been on it for a couple months now so Im looking for somehting else.
I am limited to what i have in my basement which is a adj. bench, power rack, roman chair 350 oly pounds, and
some other odd and ends.
What do you suggest i do next, looking for size and strength.
How long have you been lifting? You don’t need to get too crazy if you are relitively new. Do a search and find a program you will stick with. Get away from the 5x5 for a while, but if it worked for you, then you can always come back to it.
You need to decide how many days/week you want to work out. Whether you want to do splits or full body, etc. Is your nutrition in check?
As far as exercises, you have everything you need. You can do squats, deadlifts, lunges, stepups, bulgarian split squats, stiff leg deadlifts, good mornings, all of your olympic movements and variations, military press, incline/flat/decline press, bent over rows, pullups, chinups, hypers, curls, nosebreakers, calf raises, probably many more, get creative.