T2 Feedback Thread

Okay people, there have been a lot of questions about T2. The T-Staff has answered them as best they could, but since this stuff is so new, they need some reactions from us. So lets help them out!

Well, here’s my input. I posted this under a different thread already but it seems more appropriate here. I keep getting these strange tingles with chills every once in a while and I’m a little warmer than usual. Is the T2 already working or is my mind playing tricks on me? My husband said it is happening to him too so maybe it has something to do with the fat fast. We took two yesterday and one so far today. Anyone else?

Just got mine today and took my first capsule. I’ll update you tomorrow, I am also taking Methoxy7 and MD6(MD6 only during my workout) How’s your heart rate Ironbabe? I am going to start taking my temperature every morning before I roll out of bed, Its supposed to be a good way to track your metabolism.

Still waiting on mine. Are you taking the T2 with MD6? I feel that way with MD6.

Yeah I’m taking MD6, and sometimes it did make me sweaty and warm, but none of these weird tingles. Anyway, Brock said on the other T-2 thread that the “warm and tingly” thing is from the T-2. So - I guess I stay at 2 caps a day and don’t move up? I guess we’ll all figure this out together.

ADDENDUM: A minute or two after writing that message, I got a note from Tim who helpfully said of the first question (T2 and MD6 combined): “Two things are different: We reformulated MD6, and by doing so, made it
compatible with T2. And, two, we’ve learned a lot more about T2 and its effects on the body.
Bottom line, as long as you don’t have any medical conditions, you should have no problem combining the two products. I recommend, however, that you begin with low dosages and work your way up, based upon tolerance.”


My heart rate isn’t being affected, still around 58 beats a minute (normal for me). The only time my heart rate goes up is if I take md6 on an empty stomach and wait too long to eat :slight_smile: . My head feels a good bit more warm, (hold on - taking my temp) Yep - a full degree higher. My normal is 97 my temp right now is 98 degrees. Warm tingles still come and go. Ok, there’s my experience so far.

Smokinghawk, so did Tim say anything to you about T2 and the old MD6 formula? Cause I still have about a month in a half supply left.

Tim only said what I quoted–that was the whole message. I guess you can also tell from my post below (“Addendum…”) that I had written a previous message with some additional critical questions in it. Didn’t get posted, it seems.

Found the book where I had read about taking early morning temperatures. Dan Duchaine’s Body Opus. Under “Optimizing your Metabolic Rate” he suggests your AM temp should be between 97.8 and 98.2, and states that most women, even female bodybuilders, are below this range. I was 97.6 this AM. he discusses using T3(subsitute T2) to boost your temp,(ie metabolic rate)but warns that once you get to 98.2, you could be getting some thyroid shutdown and need to back off on the T3. He also suggests your get a baseline temp before you start dieting or taking anything.

I took one pill yesterday about 3pm and one early (6am) before sprinting/walking for 20 mins. So far, just a little butterfly feeling in my stomach no increase in heart rate or respiration. I'm going to take another pill at 3pm as JB suggested. I'll check bf% today and am on a modified diet 1400cal (I frequently dip below that) about 100gms of carbs I weigh 140 and I'm 5'6. T-staffers I hope you are reading this. Questions,comments,concerns anyone?

Well, upon reading that I took my temp and I am at 97.6 right now. I guess I need to just start taking it when I first wake up so I can see where I stand.

Just to clairify the temp thing-take it before any activty, or stimulant (coffee etc)“best while lying in bed”. And if you are sick, of course the whole thing goes out the window. this is off thread but I wonder where Michelle is?

A Girl: Although I think Dan was a brilliant man, Body Opus’ measurement technique was taken directly from one developed by a highly regarded M.D. named Broda O. Barnes. In fact, the Broda Barnes Foundation – a non-profit entity --publishes an information packet on this subject ($15 from the foundation) as well as an excellent book entitled “Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness”. I would encourage anyone who’s interested in this subject to at least purchase the info packet, as it provides a much more detailed discussion regarding thyroid health than that found in Body Opus.

Ironbabe: This is slightly OT for this thread, and I may have missed an earlier post of your's on this matter, but you stated last week that you were going to have your husband perform a seven-site BF caliper measurement on you. Just out of curiousity, did you ever do that, and, if so, what was the result?

I just started taking T2 yesterday. I took two caps. One in the morning and the other with my post-workout drink of Surge. The only time I felt anything was about a half hour later. I did feel a little warm, but it could be the effects of Surge too. Not sure. Also, is there a specific time to take the T2? For now I’ll continue with morning and post-workout.

Nate Dogg-see Brock’s reply to js extreme under "Hey Bill,TC,JB…when is the best time to take T2? the reply is currently on pg 3 of this forum.

I took 2 caps on the 1st day, 3 caps on the 2nd and I haven’t noticed any flutters or tingles at all. Maybe because I weigh 230? I am staying a little warmer than everyone else around me, and don’t seem to need any caffeine sfter lunch to stay awake (beef ribs-yummy!). I have a question though, my wife had 75% of her thyroid removed 10 years ago. Would it be a waste of her time to take T2?

hey did anyone cover how old you have to be to be able to take this shit… im 17… would i?

I not sure what kind of feelings you guys are getting, but what I’m seeing is eerily good. So much so that I’m not even sure if I want to say. All I can say is that I’ve been at about 10 cals/lb. for three weeks without a pound lost until today. Maybe I’ve just been constipated; and now I’m overly optimistic; or I’m feeling the placebo effect; or whatever; but I’m feeling really good about things right now.

A Girl and Ironbabe, your morning temperature method may need to be adjusted for a few days each month. Ovulation typically causes your body temperature to rise by about one degree.

Bob - it put me at 16%. My husband wants to remeasure tonight so we can see what progress we’ve made. You were the one that guessed me at 15-16 weren’t you? You nailed it.