T-Nationers, Sound Off!

I figured since TC recently voiced his opinion on what he would like to see on T-Nation I think we should fire back and tell HIM what we would like to see. So T-Nationer, sound off and let them know what you want to see more of and what you want to see less of ARTICLE wise. I’m sure there are countless areas that trainees would like to see covered more, or at all. Well, let them know it!

I’ll start it off…

Eric Cressey
This guy has had contact and worked hand and hand with some of the top athletes in college. There has to be a WEALTH of information he has inside. How did they train? What was your role with them? Pre-season prep and in-season training, what did they do for various sports? What elses beside cow tipping and the jungle is there up at Uconn?

Dave Tate
I see he’s making a T-Nation comeback article. That’s GREAT news for the site. I’m looking forwards to it.

Jim Wendler
Here’s a guy that has worked with a TON of high school and college athletes directly. He’s squatted a grand, built like a brick shit house, funny as all hell and has lifting tips coming out of his ears. I should know, I heard him go on for almost an hour about little things that enable you to more more weight.

He would be great for the guys that are already moving big weight but need to squeeze that little bit out to break through barriers. He’s know outside of T-Nation but he should be know inside it way more than he is. He really knows his shit.

Louie Simmons
Nuff Said

I’m sure the community would LOVE to see detailed Oly article. One that covers the lifts accompanied with video snippets that demonstrate it.

Chris Shugart
He’s covered diet advice and the psychological side of it how about a few articles for the other side of the spectrum, the people who are afraid to eat. We’ve seen TONS of people who are afraid to eat more than rice cakes and 10g’s of protein on here. They’re asking questions on how they should go about cutting when they weigh 135lbs at a height of 6’3". Those people have eating disorders also, not just overweight people.

There are a lot of strongmen trainers and wannabees on here yet there haven’t been many articles specifically written for them.

Same goes for the new found insurgence of MMA hopefuls. There have been a few scattered here and there recently but you got GSP now. Get his ass on here and have him detail how he weight trains for his sport and specifically how he goes about getting ready for specific fights.

I’m guessing there are a lot of athletes on here that would know more about psychological approaches to their sports and how they can overcome barriers that hold them back from performing at the levels they know they can. Get some interviews and articles from some of the top sports psychologists out there. A VERY high number of the top athletes that have ever been have employed them.

I’m sure others can add plenty to this short list but I think this is a good start. T-Nation, let them know what YOU want!

I’d help you rock the boat, but I fear that if I rock the boat, the boat captain might start to make us pay for the ride.

Therefore, I say this:

T-Nation is great, it pwns all.

Keep it free!!!

Do not punish the many for the insanity of the few.

Pretty good list PGA. I’d like some articles from some more accomplished Body Builders if they can get them… CT is really their only one right now.

More articles geared towards PL as well as weight gain.

I don’t recall having seen a Berardi article in a while, which I find disappointing.

I’ll second the request for more articles from John Berardi.

[quote]throwloud wrote:
I don’t recall having seen a Berardi article in a while, which I find disappointing.[/quote]

An article for the older lifter would be nice.

Good stuff PGA.

I would like to see a Powerlifting Thread. Geared and non geared.

That is my selfish interest.

I would like to see Biotest sell more products. A Greens +, A Fruits +, a Multi-V.

If they are gonna charge for the site, maybe give free shipping or a discount on the supps.

Recipes are always good also.

My .02

[quote]Damici wrote:
I’ll second the request for more articles from John Berardi.

throwloud wrote:
I don’t recall having seen a Berardi article in a while, which I find disappointing.


i’ll third that. i would love to see a complete gflux programme. i have pieced together as much as i can from what has been written but i would be cool to see the complete thing with the parameters for amounts of cardio, interval training etc. i know its been eluded to but as far as im aware never fully addressed. just my 2 cents

good stuff PGA

id like to see more reviews on T-Nation, honest reviews of training DVD’s/books/equipment that many coaches put out ala not even T-Nation associated ones.

My own bias here, a few sports specific articles (just to guage how athletes prepare for their specific sports) would be nice and finally sports psychology contributers would be awesome

[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
Pretty good list PGA. I’d like some articles from some more accomplished Body Builders if they can get them… CT is really their only one right now.[/quote]

I am more interested in Strength than Hypertrophy myself. I agree however that more articles from bodybuilders would be a welcome addition.

There are too many people on here with an anti-bodybuilding bias, I feel that this can be alleviated through education.

I would be very interested to see what the inner workings of contest prep look like. I know that a lot of pros are sworn to secrecy over this though so I don’t know how viable this would be.

I am always glad to see more powerlifting articles, to be honest the ones over at elitefts tend to be very short. Dave Tate’s articles for this site are definitely among the best he has ever written.

An article telling us that Anaconda finally came out wouldn’t be so bad either!

Chris Shugart

A lot of people don’t realize that the mantra “lookin’ good nekkid” is a “Shugart Original”.

Chris is a writer with passion.

He is often humorous (AND biting!) in his takes on Life; and covers those often overlooked “little things” that lead to our failures in Life.

Yep…we need to hear more from the “Shug-Meister”.

John Berardi

While the trolls who often follow him all over the Internet won’t admit it…his early “Appetite for Construction” articles had people looking at their nutrition like they never had before. This was a weekly series of articles that looked at various areas of nutrition research and expanded them to practical applications.

His “Mass Construction” articles are still debated years after they first came out, and made thousands of little guys realize they just weren’t stuffing enough down their pie holes!

Tim Patterson

In a conversation I had with one Coach, he referred to Tim as the “Steve Jobs” of Health and Fitness, especially in its transition to the Internet.

While the mags are struggling economically, and many supplement companies have made only minimal inroads into Internet Commerce, he understood the potential more than ten years ago.

I don’t know about you guys, but the month (or couple of weeks?) he spent last year with members was VERY enlightening, especially with his look at the Supplement Industry.

A “Patterson Fix” about twice a year would be cool!

“The Atomic Dog”

TC, there would be “riots in the streets” if we didn’t get our weekly fix!

Jared from Subway

Just kidding…!


The articles that are being (and have been) published are oustanding, overall and I feel rather presumptuous in asking for more.

But I’ll do it anyway:

Dan John: I think this guy could write about pushing a lawnmower and I’d learn some kind of insight into either training or life. More by Dan John

Even though Dave Tate is writing something for T-Nation (freakin’ awesome, btw), I’d still like to see a little more on programs/techniques for increasing Max Strength.

I’d like to see some articles from Alwyn. Been awhile since I’ve seen him on here. He’s always got great info and is just plain funny as hell. Let’s get on with this shite!

I know there’s only so much that can be written about the sport, but I would love to see some Strongman articles. I also realize that there’s probably only a small portion of readers here that would appreciate those articles.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
An article for the older lifter would be nice.[/quote]

I’ll second this request.

As many of us move through our 40’s and upwards, and I’ll take the liberty to say I’m speaking for the majority, the accumulated affect of years of lifting require that we re-evaluate our methods/goals. I?d like to hear what the experts have to say about this.

[quote]rugbyhit wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
An article for the older lifter would be nice.

I’ll second this request.

As many of us move through our 40’s and upwards, and I’ll take the liberty to say I’m speaking for the majority, the accumulated affect of years of lifting require that we re-evaluate our methods/goals. I?d like to hear what the experts have to say about this.


Yep. Goals haven’t changed all that much but the methods have. Pretty good representation of over 40 lifters on the site.

[quote]Wayland wrote:
good stuff PGA

id like to see more reviews on T-Nation, honest reviews of training DVD’s/books/equipment that many coaches put out ala not even T-Nation associated ones.

My own bias here, a few sports specific articles (just to guage how athletes prepare for their specific sports) would be nice and finally sports psychology contributers would be awesome[/quote]

I like these ideas. And, of course, I’d like to see more MMA articles; both interviews with fighters and articles by MMA instructors/trainers.

Always more Dan John.

Also, the return of exercises you have never tried would be nice.

I’d love to see some articles on sport specific training for dodgeball. ha, kidding.

I would actually really like to see some articles on increasing agility, speed, vertical, ect…