The Fate of T-Nation

I want to apologize to Tim, TC and the contributing writers at T-Nation. I am apologizing on behalf of some of my fellow T-Nation brethren who have become a bit juvenile and cavalier toward T-Nation, the best site on the internet pertaining to strength training and conditioning (not to mention the fact that it’s free!).

Recently there was a thread titled “T-Vaginas” that detailed the dismal demise of T-Nation.

For the record, T-Nation does a great job at making sure that we keep getting our doses of quality information about training and nutrition each week. The contributing writers submit excellent articles only to have them picked apart by internet geniuses and know-it-alls with 3 full-months of training under their belts.

I’m not so concerned with my brethren’s opinions as the manner in which they express those opinions. They need to show some tact and diplomacy.

Warning: Sarcasm ahead.

How dare T-Nation not force a contributing writer who gained success and reached a point where he doesn’t need to write anymore to write more articles!

How dare T-Nation allow an article about training females AND an article about leg extensions in the same week! What are they gonna do next, change the site’s name to E-Nation (Estrogen Nation)?

And can you believe the nerve of these moderators, allowing newbies to repost? It’s blatantly apparent that T-Nation is going down faster than Fedor Emelianenko’s next opponent! What should we do?

Perhaps I should ask TC to let me write a series of articles about supersetting squats and deadlifts with ripping the limbs off of the dipshit doing curls in the squat rack and drinking the ensuing blood spatter for some “peri-workout” nutrition (TC, you might need to help me with an acronym for that routine). This might settle some folks down and wet their voracious appetites for the time being.

End of sarcasm.

News flash T-Barbarians:

Times are changing. The fitness industry is evolving. T-Nation is evolving. More females are visiting the site. Young, ravenous contributing writers are revolutionizing the industry. They are addressing the importance of mobility and exercise selection in terms of injury prevention for continued athletic improvement.

They are reconsidering the optimal way to train the core musculature for athletic purposes. They are delving into the sciences and collaborating with experts, leaving no stone unturned.

T-Nation is still all about training like a sex-deprived Silverback Gorilla hopped up on PCP. The only differences are that Modern T-Nation Gorilla is going to activate and disinhibit his glutes with some bird dogs and static hip flexors stretches before he performs his front squats with chains and power snatches from the hang, and he won’t want his sexy Gorilla girlfriend getting a thick midsection by doing any direct ab work, unless she’s an athlete, in which case he’ll have her train her core for stability with suitcase deadlifts, zercher squats and pillar bridges.

In other words, I’m satisfied with the direction of T-Nation, I value the contributing writers, and I thank Tim and TC for the excellent site.

I like your approach to getting your opinion out, you stated your opinion and refrained from personal attacks which allows for discussion.

[quote]Ruggerlife wrote:
I like your approach to getting your opinion out, you stated your opinion and refrained from personal attacks which allows for discussion.



I don’t know what I dislike more, the complaining of the articles, the complaining about the complainers or the fact that I am complaining about it.

In the a recent article Eric Cressey reiterated leg extensions suck. I have known this a long time, but many of the new people might not know this. I wish someone would have told me 20 years ago. They probably would have had to tell me a few times before it sank in. This may not have been a cutting edge article but it is still valid.

Chad Waterbuy’s article was not aimed at me. I still disliked him using a teenage Britney Spears as an example. I thought it was unrealistic and possibly insulting. The article still had many valid points on training to enhance certain parts of the female physique.

Mike Roussell’s article on 6’ 150 pounders was an entertaining rant. I used to be one back in college. Thankfully I knew it was a bad look and trained to change. I wish I would have had this article as a reference. It would have helped.

All in all I really don’t see why so many people are whining about so many things. It has not been a bad week so far.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Chad Waterbuy’s article was not aimed at me. I still disliked him using a teenage Britney Spears as an example. I thought it was unrealistic and possibly insulting.

how is that insulting?

If he called you a big stupid dum dum, then yeah someone can get insulted…

if you dont like what is on the radio then change the fucking station.

you dont call up the station and bitch about what they are playing.

[quote]blitzkrg wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Chad Waterbuy’s article was not aimed at me. I still disliked him using a teenage Britney Spears as an example. I thought it was unrealistic and possibly insulting.

how is that insulting?

If he called you a big stupid dum dum, then yeah someone can get insulted…

if you dont like what is on the radio then change the fucking station.

you dont call up the station and bitch about what they are playing.

If you don’t know why setting up a 16 year old Britney Spears as a worthy training goal is insulting to women you have a lot to learn about life.

[quote]blitzkrg wrote:
how is that insulting?

If he called you a big stupid dum dum, then yeah someone can get insulted…

if you dont like what is on the radio then change the fucking station.

you dont call up the station and bitch about what they are playing.

LOL. I don’t imagine you catch subtleties in many situations?

Anyway, I think the next whiny thread should be about how the responses in whiny threads weren’t supportive enough, so a new whiny thread was required.

Is this a hallowe’en effect or what?

Wow this is getting ridiculous. I’m sure TC is really losing sleep that some folks disagreed with a few articles…

Goddamn, get over it. And enough of these fucking, “Let’s all save T-Nation” threads.

I don’t understand the uproar about the leg extension article. When I saw what it was about, I clicked on it, looked for pictures of women doing leg extensions, and then left. And I didn’t bitch about it.

I really think that it had a lot of merit as a training article.
CONSIDER THIS- watch pumping iron. Notice who likes leg extensions?

This proves that a lot of people don’t know something is bad for them. Its very annoying when people know something is bad for them, and they don’t stop.

“I got cancer”

“why are you still smoking?”

I agree with the original poster. I think sometimes people take this place for granted. Let’s look at the CrossFit website for example: basically, anytime anyone speaks out against (or even questions its methods) CrossFit and/or “Coach Glassman”, he shows up on the message boards deleting “blasphemous” posts and retorts by ridiculing the poster. While I think that a website needs to be moderated, I commend T-Nation for allowing the exchange of free thought.

Note* -This is not a bash on CrossFit methods. I think it has its place (GPP). All I’m saying is that we should feel good about being able to have access to a site which is a petri-dish of cutting-edge weight training/fitness ideas.

I don’t get what all the whining is about.

Maybe some people feel they are “above” some of the articles posted?

Too good for the basics to be reinforced?

Even though every article might not be aimed at my exact goals, I have ALWAYS gained some more knowledge and insight into training from every article that T-Nation posts.

And if you can’t say that an article has taught you something new, or reinforced something that you know but have let slip, well, then why the hell aren’t YOU posting articles on T-Nation?

[quote]vroom wrote:

Is this a hallowe’en effect or what? [/quote]

More like Hallo-whine…

Here’s where I sit on the whole whiny issue.

I hate it, I stay away from it, I have too much other stuff going on to bicker back and forth.

In the long run none of it matters.

What matters is what you see in the mirror, if you’re like me and you’re not satisfied with what you see, get to work and fix it.

That’s all I got.



Thanks for a reasonable response to the varied subjects of recent articles.

I come for the training info; I stay for the training info. I skim the fora for differing opinions on training and nutrition that might be of use to my situation and goals. To that end, I’m actually grateful for the prolific nature of some members, and the large population, because collectively they cover most facets of a topic. It’s a rare thread that doesn’t teach me SOMEthing.

I try not to get involved in arguments, not because I’m not accustomed to “laying down the law with exquisite insolence” in my own daily dealings with people (just ask my co-workers!), but because on an Internet forum about working out I’ve got no hard data to offer–just words on a page.

But that’s just me. Anyone else wants to opine 24/7, go right ahead. And thanks for all the entertainment!

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Wow this is getting ridiculous. I’m sure TC is really losing sleep that some folks disagreed with a few articles…

Goddamn, get over it. And enough of these fucking, “Let’s all save T-Nation” threads.[/quote]

I DO have trouble falling asleep.

Sometimes, I even have to call Charles Poliquin to come cradle me in his powerful arms while he sings “Frere Jacques”.

By the time the big lug hits the second chorus of
Dormez-vous, i’m sleeping like a baby.

[quote]TC wrote:
I DO have trouble falling asleep.

Sometimes, I even have to call Charles Poliquin to come cradle me in his powerful arms while he sings “Frere Jacques”.

By the time the big lug hits the second chorus of
Dormez-vous, i’m sleeping like a baby.


Perhaps you think i’m not looking deep enough, perhaps you’re looking to deep.
to me it was simply used to demonstrate between look A and look B, not that everyone must look like a 16 year old britney spears

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
blitzkrg wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Chad Waterbuy’s article was not aimed at me. I still disliked him using a teenage Britney Spears as an example. I thought it was unrealistic and possibly insulting.

how is that insulting?

If he called you a big stupid dum dum, then yeah someone can get insulted…

if you dont like what is on the radio then change the fucking station.

you dont call up the station and bitch about what they are playing.

If you don’t know why setting up a 16 year old Britney Spears as a worthy training goal is insulting to women you have a lot to learn about life.[/quote]

I agree with the stop the whine theme.

But my 2 cents is this…

I remember a long time ago when I read the most hard core mag out there.

Then one day it started to change, started printing articles that appealed to a more “mainstream” persona.

Started sponsoring athletes that had a certain “look”.
Had them doing promotions with a different feel.

Then one day, the reasons that I loved it from the beginning were gone. All that was left were people who came after the “change” telling me how I was wrong and how said change was a good thing.

Well if that’s the way it’s gonna be then so be it, but there are a few of us who are going to miss the “2K”.

[quote]TC wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Wow this is getting ridiculous. I’m sure TC is really losing sleep that some folks disagreed with a few articles…

Goddamn, get over it. And enough of these fucking, “Let’s all save T-Nation” threads.

I DO have trouble falling asleep.

Sometimes, I even have to call Charles Poliquin to come cradle me in his powerful arms while he sings “Frere Jacques”.

By the time the big lug hits the second chorus of
Dormez-vous, i’m sleeping like a baby.


By the way TC, have you figured out why your butt is irritated in the mornings? It’s weird that it always follows those sleepless nights…

On a serious note, I would expect that TC and the rest of the staff, would use the responses to articles as a guide to what the T-Nation community is looking for…and at times what he can post just to piss people off.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Wow this is getting ridiculous. I’m sure TC is really losing sleep that some folks disagreed with a few articles…

Goddamn, get over it. And enough of these fucking, “Let’s all save T-Nation” threads.[/quote]

exactly, if someone doesnt like this site or think its heading in the wrong direction then find a different site and quit bitching.

[quote]playmaker08 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Wow this is getting ridiculous. I’m sure TC is really losing sleep that some folks disagreed with a few articles…

Goddamn, get over it. And enough of these fucking, “Let’s all save T-Nation” threads.

exactly, if someone doesnt like this site or think its heading in the wrong direction then find a different site and quit bitching.[/quote]

And so it begins…