Im posting this in hopes this will be stickied, but this will hopefully get the damn point across to people who are reading T-Nation, and are considering making an account.
- DO NOT POST WORKOUT ROUTINES! Please people. Workout routines, much like diet, are individual, NO ONE can tell you if a workout routine is good or not, not even you! The ONLY way of finding out is to try it (for a while, like say, a minimum of 8 weeks) and note progress. Thats it! Make changes accordingly.
There’s already stickies to good links on nutrition and training, so I won’t rehash. And if you ever need a good solid program because you just dont know what to do…starting strength.
2)If your injured and mobility is significantly hampered, DON"T workout! DON’T ask if you should, or what exercises you can do. Now, if simply a “particular” exercise bothers you, but others don’t, then simply dont do the troublesome exercise and through trial and error, figure out which exercises do work.
3)Dont ask, “whats the best rep range or diet or exercise program or whatever” is better for mass gain, or fat loss. TRIAL AND ERROR PEOPLE!
NO MORE TBT vs Splits posts. Both work. Pick one. Whats MOST important is that you make progress, and that you enjoy what you are doing. After all, if you dont like it, you won’t do it.
NO MORE cut or bulk posts! PLEASE! Look, if your goal is being a huge ass MF, then if you have a little flab, thats ok. DON"T diet down. Accept some fat gain as a sign of eating enough. If your goal is ripped abz, be my guest, but what the hell are you doing here? Likewise, if your a whale and simply can’t let go of your doritos and still want to look “bad ass muscular”, then diet down first!
If I think of anything else, or if someone had anything else to say, be my guest.
Now, this doesnt mean to say that people should be afraid of asking things. General knowledge questions, or opinions about something that you have NO CLUE about are ok (for example, what do some people think about using straps for deadlifts? The question wasn’t “should i use straps”, but “what are some people’s input on them?”)
I hope this can reduce (at the very least) some of these non-sense posts! And perhaps people will LEARN how to use their BODIES as a gauge, instead of people who they’ve never met!