Hi, this is my first post on T-Nation but I’ve spent a lot of time lurking on this site searching for the right exercises to incorporate into my own workout. I managed to put something together but decided to let T-Nation to critique so that I can get the best results.
Height: 5’ 9"
B/F: Unknown but most likely around the low thirties
Goal: Get to 190(no lower) and get rid of all the fat covering up the muscle I’ve built in the gym since I joined in september.
Workout: 3 days a week on Mon/Wed/Fri
Romanian Deadlift: 3x5 with about 135 to start off
Regular Deadlift: 3x5 with about 135 to start off
Front Squat: 3x5 about 135 to start off
Regular squat: 3x5 about 135 to start off
Seated Calf Raises: 3x16 155 to start off and gradually lowering the weight after each set(seems to be a very hard workout)
Dips: 3x5
Pull ups: 3x5
Chin ups: 3x5
Bicep Curls: 3x5 at about 120 lbs on machine since its usually free
One arm bicep Curls: 3x5 at about half the weight
Lat Pulldowns(all three variations once): 3x5 at 135 lbs
Cardio: Just 45 minutes of non-stop swimming on Tues/Thurs/Sat and walking at least 20 blocks per day.
I’ve worked out for a long time before I joined the gym in september and could originally squat a max of 365 and bench a max of 225 so I have some experience which would probably be helpful towards me. Even with the experience I have already, I decided to ask for your advice on what I should keep or throw out.
My diet:
I’m always buying and adding to my diet but right now it usually consists of about 144 grams of ON protein(I know I need more, and I’m gonna add Metabolic Drive Low Carb into my supplement line) Almonds, four eggs, 1 potato in the morning, maybe a small sandwhich with lettuce, tomatoe, and ham/cheese, at least 3 different fruits a day and some one serving of cottage cheese if I feel up to it.I also take at least 1 glass of Green Tea a day and at least 1 gallon of water but very little milk.
I get my Omega threes from Carlson’s fish oil, coconut oil, and olive oil. I will also attempt the Velocity Diet when I get my first 3 tubs of Metabolic Drive (I will order the rest when my next paycheck comes)
Supplements so far…
German Creatine
HOT-ROX Extreme
ON Whey Protein
Multi Pro 32X Multi-Vitamins
Anways…thanks in advance for any advice you and this awesome website have given me so far!