Normally I wouldn’t say hello in the beginners forum, but I didn’t know where this was supposed to go. I also figured that would get me more clicks than the normal “PLEZ HALP ME WIF MAH RUTEEN”.
Age: 17 (Will be 18 the day I end up starting it)
Height: 5’7"
Weight: 160ish (I haven’t weighed myself in a month)
BF: 20% (Gives me 130lbs of lean mass, pathetic I know, but I’m working on it)
Experience: 4 months of dicking around with a flex mag routine (which could pretty much be considered on par with 2 hours of dildo insertions 3 times a week)
In about 2 weeks I’ll be switching to a 5x5-ish program and I had a few questions. If my only goal is to increase strength with no care about growing mass, does this seem like a good program? I know to do 5x5 on Squats and deads and such, but the aux lifts were a little bit of a mystery to me.
Would this seem decent?
Monday: Back/Chest/Forearms (9 Exercises)
Deadlifts 5x5
Bent Over BB Row 5x5
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (Eventually to Chin-Ups) 3x8
One Arm DB Row 3x8
Flat BB Bench Press 5x5
Incline BB Bench Press 5x5
Flat Bench DB Flys 3x8
Behind the back BB Wrist Curls 3x8
Reverse Curls 3x8
Tuesday: Off w/ 45 minutes Cardio
Wednesday: Legs/Abs/Spinal Erectors (9 Exercises)
Full BB Squats 5x5
BB Lunges 5x5
Lying Leg Curl 3x8
Standing BB Calf Raise 3x8
Seated BB Calf Raise 3x8
Hanging Leg Raise 3x20
Cable Crunch 3x8
Supine Crunches 3x20
Hyperextensions 3x20
Thursday: Off w/ 45 Minutes Cardio
Friday: Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps/Traps (10 Exercises)
Seated BB Overhead Press 5x5
Side Lateral Raises 3x8
Bent-over Flys 3x8
BB Shrugs 5x5
BB Bicep Curl 5x5
DB Pinwheel Curl 3x8
BB Preacher Curl 3x8
Close Grip bench Press 5x5
Dips 3x8
Cable Pushdowns 3x8
Saturday: Off w/ 45 Minutes Cardio
Sunday: Off w/ 45 Minutes Cardio
How does that look to you? Maybe add something for my Rotator Cuffs?
I definitely want more back work than I do chest. Apart from the fact that my humerus is rotated slightly inward and I want to correct it, and the fact that I absolutely HATE working my chest.
I’m kind of also wondering what I should do in the way of nutrition. Honestly, I just got into BBing to lose my tits, but I seem to be kind of stuck in a crossroads as to what I want to do. I know that I’d look pretty great at around 147-150 (about a 12%BF). But I can’t ever really find a program that I like that will help me achieve these goals.
A friend of mine said that this program would be alright to do on a slow cut (200-400kcals a day), where I would gain strength (but nowhere near what I could accomplish otherwise), lose a small amount of mass and still lose fat. If I do decide to cut completely, how much muscle can I expect to lose? I guess clean bulking is really the only that you guys are going to suggest but I had some other questions if somebody would mind answering them in a PM or something.
I hope some of that made sense to you guys. Sorry if this wasn’t the right section, please don’t rape me.