Surge Price Increase!

Surge Berry is now available (no Lemon Drop) but although the price LOOKS the same, number of servings have decreased from 20 to 15. That is quite a large price increase due to shrinkflation.


What more can they do to drive away loyal customers? :man_facepalming:t2:

No response from T-Nation?

So, I did the math.

Surge previously was $55.99 for 20 servings, breaking down to $2.80 per serving. Surge is now $53.99 for 15 servings, equating to $3.60 per serving.

Considering the prices of ingredients and the cost of manufacturing continue to rise across the board, things could be a lot worse.

I also know that Biotest, unlike other companies in this industry, will never choose lesser, cheaper ingredients over premium ingredients and proven results.



We’ve gotten to this point…

Given the performance benefits of Surge, I’d say it’s worth an extra 80 cents.


this leads me to a question I have…is it worth taken prior to a run?

I would say it would depend on the intent of the run. I quit taking Surge before training because it worked TOO well: I was going WAY too hard in my training, digging VERY deep into my recovery well. I see it as a performance enhancer, and save it for when I need exactly that. It will definitely enhance performance in a run, given that it contains electrolytes and fuel, but are we running with a performance goal or with a training goal?


I have a similar line of thinking, too.

I use Surge for weight training, hockey games, and mountain bike rides. These are all times where I prioritize performance.

I’ll have a FINi bar or some other food prior to other athletic or cardiovascular activities.


Performance goal…i started running again, i.e. couch to 5k app

i have only used prior to weight training and was curious if it would benefit my runs

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I have given my Surge reviews many times. For me, it boils down to: I have way more good workouts than bad with Surge.

For ~20 minute training runs (5ks), I don’t know that it would be a go-to for me. For a track meet with multiple events or competition day, it probably would.


Given that everything in the world increased in price the last 5 years quite dramatically Im not sure how this comes as a surprise

You want them to just eat the cost of increased manufacturing? This isnt a slap in the face like trying to pass off inferior product as the same formula or something, this is an inflation price adjustment. If their price goes up to make it at a certain point they have to adjust what they sell it for.

Lets hope they source from the US too, because if they get any product from outside the US its going to go up 10-20-50% because of the tariffs here soon as well


Price increases are understandable I suppose, but my (minor) complaint is that it’s 15 servings. I lift 16 times per month, my OCD struggles with that! Lol.

Also, I’ll probably evaluate my budget and go from there. It’ll probably just mean something else gets eliminated. I like Surge :man_shrugging:

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Use 3/4 of a serving for one workout each week.

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You know, that’s really not a bad idea for anyone concerned about the changes.

I bet a lot of people could still make progress.


Honestly 40-45g is plenty.

I agree with this. No need to fuel these kinds of runs. The only thing that might change my mind on this would be if the program included any hard intervals, which I doubt it does. And even if it did, I don’t think something like Surge would be needed – all you really need to fuel interval work is electrolytes and fast acting carbs. Surge would be overkill in this situation.


For me surge is something I only use when I need it. And I don’t need it very often.

I take creatine. Creatine gives me what feels like endless amounts of energy. I literally have to force myself to leave the gym

I use surge for those rare days when I am sluggish. I need a little extra kick. Or if I am doing a two-a-day. On occasion I will lift in the morning and then take an orangetheory class in the afternoon. Surge is good for that afternoon class

I’ve also taken to treating the Fini bar this way. I only use them when I need fuel for a workout and the timing is bad. Can’t really eat a meal pre-workout.

I’m not worried about the price. You get what you pay for. My concern is them running out of these products.

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Are you out of stock with surge?..that’s what amazon is telling me

i think i had to cancel my re-order subscription which had the original number of servings etc

i put in a new order for the which is the new number of servings

could this be the reason..i.e. product change?