Hi there, I am from the UK and over here, Surge costs a lot of money, about $65ish dollars it works out to be for the 3lb tub, so my question is simple, is it worth that much money??
I currently have a protein shake before and after my workout with creatine added. But thats it.
Surge is a great product, both in terms of taste and quality. I really enjoyed my success while taking it. That being said, no, I would not pay $65 dollars for it. Find a decent carb source, add creatine and BCAA’s and you’ll be fine.
In the event that you have unlimited disposable income, or you end up moving to the US, go ahead and buy it. I cringe when I think of spending that much money, though.
It all depends on how much the components would cost in the UK to make your own homebrew version. It doesn’t make sense to pose this questions to people who are mainly outside the UK as their supp prices could vary dramatically.
Add up the WPH, BCAA, maltodextrin, dextrose, and any flavoring you want and compare the cost.
One word of warning: Biotest has done a great job with flavoring and many of us have found it’s worth more to purchase Surge because it’s much easier to drink than homemade versions. WPH taste downright nasty unless it’s properly flavored.
Great question, honestly. I love Surge, but worth $65… nah. See if you can buy a workout protein with WPH locally for less, and add BCAA’s because Surge has it and it is part of the reason why you likely won’t feel tired and run down at the end of your workouts.
I love Surge but it is pricey and tooth-achingly sweet. Therefore I usually blend it with Grow! Whey and creatine. Lasts longer, not too sweet and it gives most of the flavors a nice, creamy texture.
[quote]matt1981 wrote:
Hi there, I am from the UK and over here, Surge costs a lot of money, about $65ish dollars it works out to be for the 3lb tub, so my question is simple, is it worth that much money??
I currently have a protein shake before and after my workout with creatine added. But thats it.[/quote]
Don’t forget that food and supps are cheaper over there, matt, so their reaction to the price you quoted might be explained that way.
Just got some, not used it yet, so I can’t comment on whether it’s worth what I paid for it. (can’t remember but I can look it up when I get home)