Surge Is Expensive?!?

Ok folks, we’ve all heard about “how expensive” Surge is, right?

Well, let’s investigate just how expensive it is (this is an unedited email from a reader who tried to make his own “home brew” by gathering all the ingredients himself and mixing them).

You can’t barely make “Surge” for cheaper than you can buy it premade.

I tried to do it!

I’m supplement savvy so I figured I could make the John Berardi formulated Biotest “Surge” for cheaper than what they sell it for.

While I did succeed in formulating a cheaper mixture, it was not nearly as much of a difference as I expected.

You can buy “Surge” here:

This is how Surge breaks down nutritionally:

Biotest Surge Post-Workout Recovery Drink

Buy 3:
$21.00*3 = $63.00 + $7.50 S&H = $70.50
$70.50 / 30 (10 servings per bucket) = $2.35 per serving

Buy 6:
$21.00*6 = $126.00 + $7.50 S&H = $133.5
$133.5 / 60 (10 servings per bucket) = $2.23 per serving

I tried to itemize each ingredient and buy in bulk while trying to approximate the amounts of each ingredient and break it down into cost per serving.

In the end I get:
24g hydrosylated whey protein
~25g maltodextrin
~25g dextrose
3g phenylalanine
5g glutamine
2.5g L-Leucine
1.25g L-Isoleucine
1.25g L-Valine

I could add some salt for sodium

I’d say this is pretty close to Surge and this is how I did it:

allthewhey site:

20% Hydrolyzed Whey Isolate (Real hydrolyzed is very bitter)

2 lbs for $17.99 gives 32 servings
Buy two for $36 + $6 S&H = $42
$42 / 64 servings = $0.656

100 gm powdered Phenylalanine

$12.95 + estimated $6 S&H = $19 / 33servings = $0.58 per serving

Iron-Tek Essential Glutamine Powder (500g)

$20.97 * 0.85 (15% off using coupon code “qc”) + $0.00 S&H = $17.85
$17.85 / 100servings = ~$0.18

Branched Chain Amino Acid Powder, Now Foods Sports, 12 oz. (340 g)

Serving Size: 1 Heaping Teaspoon (5.0 g) Servings Per Container: 68
L-Leucine 2.5 g (2,500 mg)
L-Isoleucine 1.25 g (1,250 mg)
L-Valine 1.25 g (1,250 mg)

$25.19 * 0.85 85 (15% off using coupon code “qc”) + $0.00 S&H / 68servings = ~$0.32 per serving

Serving Size 1/2 cup (50 g)
Servings per container: 63
Calories 190
Total Carbohydrate 47 g
Sugars 2 g
Carbo Powder 50 g

21.99 * 0.85 / 126servings (~25grams per serving) = ~$0.15

kentnutrition site:

10lbs of Dextrose

Price: $ 11.49 + $6.00 flat rate ground shipping on one box per order = $17.50
$17.50 / 181servings (4532g / 25g) = ~0.10 per serving

Add them up:
$0.66 for Hydrolyzed Whey Isolate
~0.10 per serving for dextrose
~$0.15 for maltodextrin
~0.32 for BCAA’s
~$0.18 for glutamine
$0.58 per serving for phenylalanine

Homemade Surge
Total = $1.99 per serving
That’s after spending about $140 for startup.

Frankly, I’m amazed!

Comparing the cost vs. trouble ratio (if there ever was such a thing), I’d say Biotest Surge takes the cake!

Great post, another thing to add is he used only 20% hydro. due to the taste. Surge uses Hydro and does a great job of masking the horrid taste.

You still get a small hint of the hydro taste but damn that just assures of the quality IMO. It’s awesome all round taste and quality.

Once again great post

I’d say your right. Yay for Surge, it’s sitting in my stomache right now :wink:

Not to mention most people, such as I, buy enough to get free shipping which makes the price $2.10 a serving. Even cheaper than what was stated in that email.

What a neat post! I guess if one orders more Surge per order, the cost per serving will go down further.

And I’m not sure who really wants the hassle of measuring and mixing this stuff.

Berardi, as a former Canuck you should know that the situation is a little worse for those of us north of the boarder :frowning:

Btw, regarding the amount of the various BCAAs in Surge, is the total listed on the back the sum of the added BCAAs + BCAAs existing in Hyrdolyzed Whey.

Or, those amounts reflect the added BCAAs only. I know I’ve read this somewhere but I can’t find it now.



HAHA, JB it’s not that Surge is over priced for what you get, it’s just expensive for us broke asses. Just like Grow!, sure it is much better than the cheaper brand and a great price for what you get… It is still expensive… I guess it is all relative though.

Although the guy deserves creativity points, I can’t even begin to imagine what a pain in the ass that must have been.

[quote]Todd S. wrote:
HAHA, JB it’s not that Surge is over priced for what you get, it’s just expensive for us broke asses. Just like Grow!, sure it is much better than the cheaper brand and a great price for what you get… It is still expensive… I guess it is all relative though. [/quote]

That is a very fair statement. I would only add one thing: When you buy Surge subtract what you would have paid for all of the quality information on this site, if you were charged for it, and then it’s a tremendous deal!

Just another way to look at it, and another reason to remain loyal to the guys who produce this great site!

[quote]chints wrote:
Btw, regarding the amount of the various BCAAs in Surge, is the total listed on the back the sum of the added BCAAs + BCAAs existing in Hyrdolyzed Whey.

Or, those amounts reflect the added BCAAs only. I know I’ve read this somewhere but I can’t find it now.



The AAs listed are IN ADDITION to what’s in the protein component. When adding up all the BCAA, glutamine, phe, it ends up being a nice wack of aminos.

I Love Surge!!

I’d say that was very informative. Don’t sound so upset though… with the ?!? and everything… lol :wink:

How expensive something is may be relative? no?:

Relative to the person purchasing the product.

Relative to that persons income.

The quantity to which it is used and how often it is used ALLLLL depends on “how expensive” it is for the person purchasing it… no?

Relative to other products or as that person did… made their own.

So… Surge IS!!! the best product compared to others really…

However, perhaps when one of us says it is expensive it is because of our situation. The “other” above examples…

Let’s say the person purchasing the Surge is a student JB. Let’s say that person is from 18-25 years of age. Would you expect that person to have as much disposible income as a doctor or someone with a reasonbly decent paying career? Probably not…

So how “expensive” Surge is… may be a reflection of the population saying crying about the price…

What about Quantity or how often it is used?

For the maximal results of a half a tub per workout it may get quite expensive… The person who says, “Damn that’s expensive” may simply be using it more often and using it in greater quantities than the person who only uses 1 or 2 scoops per workout… Hey, it even depends on if the person is using it for weight gain or a person using it in conjunction with weight loss. Take your DVD steps for example. The quantity in which it is used and how often may effect how expensive it is for the individual…

Instead of taking ONLY the cost per unit in account you may want to consider “total cost”…

While it sounds nice that 1 serving of Surge costs ONLY $2.35 per serving the total cost is still $70.50. Just because the cost per unit is affordable does not mean the total cost is.

I like chicken sausage better than turkey…mmmmm

Anyhow JB, I’m sure most would argee that Surge is the coolestest and bestestest product for workouts AND the cheapest compared to others in its category.

In the words of Ren & Stimpy… Happy, Happy, Joy Joy.

-Get Lifted

21 is expensive. No way. There is a discounter near my house that sells it for 44.99 per bucket and that is the lowest price by far in the area. Next lowest price 69.99. 2.35 per serving for an anti catabolic and highly anabolic meal which keeps me from getting to soar after intense workouts. I will always have a bucket of Surge in my cupboard.

After all man can not live on greens+ alone


If it was $10.00 some one would say it’s to expensive. I love Surge and have used it since it was introduced.

You know whenever I recommend Biotest Surge to someone, they always ask, “does it work?”. All I tell them is try it and see for yourself. I have yet to have any of those people question me again as to whether it works. With that said I think Biotest Surge is worth every penny. Actually, I wouldn’t say it is expensive at all when considering all the benefit it provides!

It really pisses me off when people say that Surge is expensive. (If you buy enough to get free shipping you can get it for $2.10 per serving!) Yet these same people will go to Starbucks and spend $3.00 on a friggin cup of coffee!!!

What do you think is worth it, the perfect post-workout drink ever created, or a plain ol’ cup of java???

Considering that most people (outside of T-Nation) go to lunch post-workout… I’d have to ask them…

Where can you find a decent $2.00 lunch?

I can understand what Get Lifted is trying to get at with his post.

If you are a 250+ pound serious trainer you must consume 3 scoops after workout and sip another 1-2 scoops during your workout. If one follows this recommendation, it would be a half a container a day and it would only last two training days.

Now if this person trains 4-5 days per week, we’re talking 2+ tubs per week. 42$ per week, 168$ per month sounds a little more expensive and puts this issue in perspective a little more.

On to the good stuff. I lift Mon-Fri, one bodypart a day (bi’s & tri’s count as one part), now I know I can refine this to four days and some will say I should and I do once and awhile for variety.

When I started taking Surge, three scoops after my workout, man my progress skyrocketed. I felt pumped hours after and my recovery went through the roof. This shit is no joke and it works as it says it does.

I tried making my own concoction using raw materials and it is hard as hell to make this stuff where it doesn’t taste like dog urine. Serious, it tastes like ass. You can tell from the taste of Surge that there is hydro in it but their formulation makes it taste good, really freakin good compared to a home brew.

If you have a hard time chokin up the scratch for this product, buy a tub and use it especially on the days you do chest, back and legs heavy.

It should be used after every workout, as there is no product on the market that can even touch this one.

I’ve had people approach me with the question, “if there is one supplement I should buy, what should it be”. They name off protein powders, creatine, BCAA’s, fat burners and then say they have little room in the budget. I tell 'em every time, if you can only afford to go full bore on one supplement, stick to whole foods during the day and make sure you take Surge after every workout. No other supplements needed if you can’t afford them for solid progress in and out of the gym. Post workout nutrition is the focal point of the training day.

Sure if you want to shit lava and fart all day, buy the cheap 50 pounds for a dollar stuff. Be bloated, shit yourself and wipe till you bleed or you can invest in one quality product that covers the most important nutritional block for weightlifters and make progress.

My 21 goes to Surge every time.

What cracks me up the most is that most of these people who say it’s too expensive will buy a fuckin’ Isopure or Blue Thunder after they lift and spend 3+ bucks on it…

My nickel


[quote]ZEB wrote:
Todd S. wrote:
HAHA, JB it’s not that Surge is over priced for what you get, it’s just expensive for us broke asses. Just like Grow!, sure it is much better than the cheaper brand and a great price for what you get… It is still expensive… I guess it is all relative though.

That is a very fair statement. I would only add one thing: When you buy Surge subtract what you would have paid for all of the quality information on this site, if you were charged for it, and then it’s a tremendous deal!

Just another way to look at it, and another reason to remain loyal to the guys who produce this great site!


I think it’s a very fair statement as well Zeb. That is where I was trying to hit at with my post, just elaborating on Todds. It IS the best product and if you place a lot of value on your goals then maybe it is a price you are willing to pay… I AM… :slight_smile: Hold off on the starbucks or some other things that are not as important to buy the Surge. I am glad someone else understands however that some people are just not in the market to be able to afford it every month to use every week … to use every other day for the rest of their entire lives. Nothing wrong with that…

Let me add something else here. Subtract NOTHING from what you pay for Surge… Perhaps the quality of information given is an attempt to keep ALL of us closer to the company and its products? Let’s not be too naive and suggest the ONLY reason for this website, this forum, this information is because “they” just want to help everyone in the world understand training and nutrition.

But look… Nothing is wrong with that at all. Nothing! They provide to the customer (you and me) As far as I am concerned the best products and information around. The best experts in the field, The best products, The #1 website in the world for training and nutrition. However, understand that this all works in unison with each other. The products… This website… The information… Your money…The results… your lifestyle… They want you to know their products, the information herein and WHY Biotest Surge is the optimal product for your workout needs. Not only that, it is the cheapest around! I like to think of myself and T-Nation (Bbiotest) working together in harmony. We get along great!

This is another way to look at it.

-Get Lifted