Well this is a bit more of a theoretical question.
‘Are strongman implements a nice addition to training?’
Perhaps they have great carryover…
Maybe as an accessory lift. Maybe as a finisher. Maybe even as a main lift.
Farmer walks seem to be highly praised, and atlas stones and log lifts have some awesome numbers in tests from Stu McGill.
Those are probabely the easiest to make if I ever get started in this kind of training.
Besides,it seems to be a ton of fun, makes me feel like grandpa!
Carrying heavy odd stuff is what my granddad and I do alot. He did it all his life all his free time he had, and he can still toss me around…and Im 50 lbs heavier…and Im 25 inches taller…and 46 years younger.
This is probably partially because of the Strength-Skill component you (CT) discussed. Yet something makes me feel this is also about carryover from moving odd heavy stuff.
Hope to hear from you guys, you already helped me alot. This is an awesome community.
CT is a big fan of loaded carries and i think he also really likes strongman exercises to build strength and some muscle.
CT has a 10-day layer cycle for strongman here in the forum.
For the sake of completeness, here is CT’s Strongman 10 day cycle:
I’m actually using it with a young strongman of amazing potential…
Power clean & push press to 1RM
Clean pull, start at 70% of no.1 and ramp to 1RM
Deadlift start at 70% of no.2 and ramp to 1RM
Log clean & press 6 x 3
Front squat ramp to 1RM
Back squat, start at 70% of no.1 and ramp to 1RM
Back squat from pins just above sticking point start at 70% of no.2 and ramp to 1RM
Farmer`s walk (as heavy as possible for 20 yards) 6 sets of 20 yards
Snatch-grip high pulls ramp to 1RM
Snatch-grip low pulls, start at 70% of no.1 and ramp to 1RM
Clean-grip low pulls, start at 70% of no.2 and ramp to 1RM
Tire flips 3 x 6-8 reps
Power clean & push press (1+3) ramp to 3RM
Power clean & push press (1+3) 4 x 3 @ 90% of no.1
Power clean & push press (3+1) 4 x 3 @ 90% of no.1
Atlas stone practice (10 minutes)
Back squat ramp to 3RM
Back squat 6 sets of 3 with 90% of no.1
Deadlift 4-5 sets of 4-6 reps
Yoke (moderate weight, maximum speed over 30m) 6 sets
Snatch-grip high pulls ramp to 3RM
Snatch-grip high pulls, 6 sets of 3 reps with 90% of no.1
RDL 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps
Regular bench press ramp to 6RM
Regular bench bench 4 sets of 6 with 90% of no.1
Floor press 4 sets of 6 with 80% of no.1
Viking press (or landmide press) 4-5 x 8-10
Power clean ramp to 6RM
Power clean complex 1 (2 power clean, 2 push press, 2 front squats) 4 sets with 90% of 6RM
Power clean complex 2 (3 power clean + 3 front squat + 3 RDL) 3 sets with 90%
Tire flips max distance in 2 minutes
Snatch-grip high pulls ramp to 6RM
Snach-grip high pulls 4 sets of 6 with 90% of no.1
DAY 10
1 set of each:
Log clean & press (either go for max weight or try for a max rep set with a fixed load)
Farmer’s walk as heavy as possible for 30m
Tire flips max in 2 minutes
Atlas stones
If your recovery is poor you can extend the cycle by adding 1 more rest days after day 2
Thanks for the input Akidara! Alot of CT’s programs use Farmer walks now you mention it.
I just doubt this program proves CT likes strongman training or sees value in it…
the guy he is training is a strongman after all, he needs skill work to get good at his sport. Like if he would train a football player, he would let them do practice (off course), but this would not make him a fan of football practice to train all kind of athletes.
Although I do think this is very effective for strongmen.
I was especially intrested if and how strongman should be used for all kinds of athletes and martial artists (we are a superior breed, we know;).
After I saw how CT used the implements here, I doubt he is a fan of them for pure strength building: there priority is after general strenght work and more for skill.
Hope to hear more from you, maybe you know strongman training could be used for not strongman athletes?
[quote]Panopticum wrote:
Thanks for the input Akidara! Alot of CT’s programs use Farmer walks now you mention it.
I just doubt this program proves CT likes strongman training or sees value in it…
the guy he is training is a strongman after all, he needs skill work to get good at his sport. Like if he would train a football player, he would let them do practice (off course), but this would not make him a fan of football practice to train all kind of athletes.
Although I do think this is very effective for strongmen.
I was especially intrested if and how strongman should be used for all kinds of athletes and martial artists (we are a superior breed, we know;).
After I saw how CT used the implements here, I doubt he is a fan of them for pure strength building: there priority is after general strenght work and more for skill.
Hope to hear more from you, maybe you know strongman training could be used for not strongman athletes?[/quote]
well CT is a great coach:P He has many tools and strongman exercises are one of the tools. From reading your post i assume your an athlete, a fighter? How and when to use them really depends on your goal and your general workoutplan. I think CT needs more information to help you correctly:P
Farmers walks are excellent, especially for grip, forearms, traps
Thick bar training is helpful as a source of variety since the same exercises hit you differently
Sled dragging is awesome metabolic conditioning
I avoid some of the more technical exercises as they have a skill component that isn’t really relevant to what I’m doing.
@lowrez thanks for the articles, Im gonna check those out right now. About the zercher stuff, those are the babies of strongmen, so using them will say something about the relation between you and strongman training probably.
@akidara CT has a crapload of tools in his toolbox. I was just wondering if he has a special place for strongman stuff or if you guys have an idea of implementing them. I couldn’t ask you guys for a workout plan, I dont want to ask more of you than needed, but if you feel like making one, I can’t stop you…
@blue9steel use them when appropriate… that’s kind of a pleonasm:p
I was thinking that when training 5 days a week, I would finish 2 day with a farmer/suitcase walks and 2 days I will finish with sprints and rolling/tumbling.
Gotta figure out how and where to sprint tho. Maybe buy a parachute and use the road? Ideas?