Strongman and Sled Dragging

Hey yall I’ve been doing a Westside variation style workout since I joined this site. Any way progress has been good with my bench going up to 315 and squat going up to 415. Also weight has gone down to 230.

I was just wondering where i could fit any strong man or sled dragging in here is my current training week

MON ME bench
TUES boxing training
WED ME squat/deadlift
THUR boxing training
FRI DE bench or speed bench
SAT DE squat

I go to the gym @ 7 30pm and boxing training starts @ 5 30pm
Boxing is mostly cardio with a lot of bodyweight exercises.

Friday in the gym kills me due to all the running i am doing the night before but hasn’t effected my training yet.
Will doing strong man be too much? Or should i be doing more?

thanx for the advice,
PS if more info is needed i will post @ your request


Kia ora,

I use WSSB templete and my structure is as follow:

Mon: Lower body max effort
Tues: Upper body reps
Wed: Rest
Thurs: Karate - technical emphasis
Fri: Lower body unilateral
Sat morning: Upper body ME
Sat A/noon: Karate - self-defense emphasis
Sun: Karate - endurance & sparring emphasis

I don’t think you can put more into the programme without sacrificing quality/quantity of sport training (boxing in your case). I tried something similar before (the above + Kettlebell on Wednesday at home) and it didn’t work well i.e. legs not recovered for Thur’s Karate training, performed badly and got scolded by sensei.

Try replacing DE leg day with strongman or KB and see how it goes.

BTW, where do you plan to do your sled dragging with all this bad weather?

Geek boy

Yea i thought that it maybe a bit much, ive just finished rugby season and it was hard enough to fit it all in then. I was thinking of doing a rotation for the DE days and strongman days. Maybe 3 DE days then a strong man day or sumthing lyk dat but ill suss it out and keep every one informed.

Generally, WSB recommends reducing the weight of how much you drag as the week proceeds. So, at minimum, you could add heavy sled dragging to the ME lower day as the second exercise.

You might also consider dragging 50% of the weight used on ME lower day on your midweek recovery day for restoration.

Check out Dave Tate’s article “Drag Your Butt Into Shape”

In it he talked about doing sled dragging six days a weeks. Some of it was for recovery, some for strength. His training schedule looked like this:

In your case, with the boxing training, I probably wouldn’t recommend doing this six days a week, but maybe on your lifting days. Anyway, I hope this helps.

In faith,

[quote]NZ_Freak wrote:
Yea i thought that it maybe a bit much, ive just finished rugby season and it was hard enough to fit it all in then. I was thinking of doing a rotation for the DE days and strongman days. Maybe 3 DE days then a strong man day or sumthing lyk dat but ill suss it out and keep every one informed. [/quote]

Good luck to your training

Geek boy

In it he talked about doing sled dragging six days a weeks. Some of it was for recovery, some for strength. His training schedule looked like this:

My training schedule before was as follows:

  Monday: Max effort squat/deadlift day
  Wednesday: Max effort bench press
  Friday: Dynamic effort squat day
  Sunday: Dynamic effort bench day

The new schedule would be built to bring up my weak points, namely my abs and hamstrings. The new schedule looked like this:


AM: Max effort squat/deadlift day ? This is the main training workout utilizing the method of maximal exertion followed by supplemental and accessory movements for the squat and deadlift. (See my past articles at T-mag if you’re not familiar with Westside training.)

PM: Sled dragging, extra abdominal work and GHR (glute ham raise) ? This is an extra workout I added to increase my work capacity. The sled work during this cycle was performed utilizing the empirical rule of 60% (see below). My abdominals have always been a weak point so extra abdominal work was also added into the weekly cycle…


Sled dragging ? The main focus of this workout is restoration. I’ll give a sample workout below.


AM: Max effort bench press ? This is the main bench press workout utilizing the method of maximal exertion followed by supplemental and accessory movements.

PM: Sled dragging, extra abdominal work and pec-delt tie in ? The goal of this training session is much like the goal of the PM session on Monday. Since I’ve torn both pecs, I added in some special movements to strengthen the pec-delt tie in region.


Sled Dragging, abdominal work ? Again, the main focus of this workout is restoration.


AM: Dynamic effort squat day ? This is the main training day for the squat, utilizing the dynamic effort method. The box squat would be trained followed by supplemental movements for the squat and deadlift. No changes were made during this workout.

PM: Sled dragging, extra abdominal work and GHR ? This workout was designed to suit the same purpose as the Monday PM workout.


Dynamic effort bench day ? This is the main training day for the bench press, utilizing the dynamic effort method. The bench press would be trained, followed by supplemental movements for that lift. No changes were made during this workout.

In your case, with the boxing training, I probably wouldn’t recommend doing this six days a week, but maybe on your lifting days. Anyway, I hope this helps.

In faith,

Yea i read this one but since i workout in the evenings i was a bit sceptical about doing any sled dragging before i work out ie sled s am work out pm. But i will try and suit it to my needs
Thanx yall