This is my first post so bear with me. Recently I read the Westside Questions! post (god that was long, but very informative). Anyway I noticed you posted up this program:
monday - power-snatch/power-cleans, 60-70% 6x1-2 each.
-jump squats with bout 30%
-heavy reverse-hyperextensions and ham glute calf machine.
-sled dragging
tuesday-power jerks, 12x1x60-70%
-overhead tricept movemnet of some sort, heavy, 3-5 sets 3-5 reps. n=my favorite was barbell tricept press.
-shoulder complex stuff
-light revers hypers
thurs-heavy pulls of some sort(usually snatch grip from floor, or clean grip from hang) work up to max.
-(choose one of following)heavy squat movement, dead lift or goodmorning, work up to 1-3 rep max.
-ham/calf glute machine
-heavy revers hypers
Friday-choose one of following and work up to a 1 rep max: STEEP incline bench, floor press, push press.
-STEEP incline DB presses 3-4x5-8 reps
-shoulder complex stuff
-light tricepts
-light revers hypers
It appears by your accounts that this program was succussful in increasing your O-lifts. I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the program (i.e. rep schemes for the assitance work, tempo, “working up to a maxx”, etc.). Just to let you know a little bit about me, Im just a gym lifter seeking to be healthy and strong, just not so much in the powerlifter aspect. I am considering Westside traing in the near future for strenght and size but do not want stray away from the O-lifts. I was wondering if you would reccomend the beginner routine posted by Dave Tate (using narrower squats instead of box squats), and then changing it up to O-lifts later, or to start with a program similar to what you have posted and work from there. Also, how did you cycle this program? I know you said you were training for the Highland games, but routine-wise what did you do before and after the posted program. Sorry for the plethora of questions. Thanks in advance.