As some fellow T-Nationers who train with me have noted, I maintain some pretty sorry big-3 numbers by any standards. The bench isn’t AS bad, but the squat and deadlift are clearly worse.
Bodyweight = 195 lbs @ 5’11
Bench = 265
Squat = 285
Deadlift = 355 sumo
*All raw
However, a lot of the accessory lifts, such as heavy lunges, rows, pulldowns, good mornings, back extensions, are all pretty reasonable for a 195 pounder.
Hungry4more suggests it may be a single weak point, or just a piss-poor job of recruiting muscle fibers to fire quickly to generate power. I have a small buttwink in a parallel squat and conventional deadlift (down position), and a very pronounced buttwink in ATG squats. Oddly, I consider my hamstrings to be quite flexible, as I can bring my face next to my knees when I stretch. My hip mobility is not very good, which is probably the reason for the buttwink.
Personal belief: the buttwink causes my back to lose tension and round slightly, thus I cannot transfer the power generated by my legs (26") and hips (40") to the bar I am trying to move. I feel that my low back is reasonably strong but I am not sure why I can’t seem to keep it straight while in the hole … or if this is the real reason why my lifts are poor.