Westside Template?

Can anyone link me to an original westside barbell template program please!?
Also any comments and discussion from own experiences?

Not a set in stone template, other than 2 ME days and 2 DE days. If your interested in conjugate “Westside” periodization I suggest picking up the “Westside Barbell Book of Methods” and start reading his articles.

[quote]Rschwitalski wrote:
Not a set in stone template, other than 2 ME days and 2 DE days. If your interested in conjugate “Westside” periodization I suggest picking up the “Westside Barbell Book of Methods” and start reading his articles.[/quote]

Thanks mate. Iv been having a further look at some stuff, and his book now online aswell.

Template is as easy as googling Westside Barbell Template the very first link and about the next 200 after that have it.

There’s great info in these threads:

In the T-Nation search bar, put dave tate and periodization bible in there. That’ll be a start at least.

if youre raw why wouldnt you just do a sensible for raw lifting program

[quote]batman122 wrote:
if youre raw why wouldnt you just do a sensible for raw lifting program[/quote]

The conjugate template can be used for raw training

[quote]batman122 wrote:
if youre raw why wouldnt you just do a sensible for raw lifting program[/quote]

Because all the science behind everything Louie talks about only magically applies when gear gets strapped on.

OP, check out the two links to the Westside Method threads that someone posted above. A great summary on the first post in the threads to get you started, then tons of detail beyond that.

Also, Book of Methods is just a half-assed effort from some editor who slapped together all of Louie’s free articles, organized it poorly and updated almost nothing. Read the free articles on Louie’s website. If you buy anything, get the Squat and DL manual instead.

[quote]Chicksan wrote:

[quote]batman122 wrote:
if youre raw why wouldnt you just do a sensible for raw lifting program[/quote]

The conjugate template can be used for raw training[/quote]
Fuck man, are you going to tell me that bands work for raw lifting too? And that there are other weaknesses other than at parallel, off the chest, and breaking the weight off the floor? That is blasphemy! And people can only use the max effort, and dynamic effort method weekly if on a bucket load of horse steroids!

What else are you going to say, that some people squat better low bar, and with an outside of shoulder width stance? What next, will you say that high bar narrow squatting with olympic shoes are retarded for anyone, but a small minority?

And those half squats, you know those wide stance squats done one, or two inches below parallel? I bet you are going to say that you would pass those in a meet. I thought you knew your stuff, but I can tell you are just one of those half squatting westside gear whores who don’t lockout their benches/deadlifts.

(read: this is an attempt at humor at the stuff that likely functioning retarded people say)

[quote]DSSG wrote:

[quote]Chicksan wrote:

[quote]batman122 wrote:

What else are you going to say, that some people squat better low bar, and with an outside of shoulder width stance? What next, will you say that high bar narrow squatting with olympic shoes are retarded for anyone, but a small minority?

And those half squats, you know those wide stance squats done one, or two inches below parallel?

i can guarantee you no westside squat has ever broken actual parallel. fucking hell i dont care about what you think enough to argue.i was drunk when i posted that. read dan greens article on jts. theres someone actually qualified to talk about raw lifting, unlike any of us

[quote]batman122 wrote:

[quote]DSSG wrote:

[quote]Chicksan wrote:

[quote]batman122 wrote:

What else are you going to say, that some people squat better low bar, and with an outside of shoulder width stance? What next, will you say that high bar narrow squatting with olympic shoes are retarded for anyone, but a small minority?

And those half squats, you know those wide stance squats done one, or two inches below parallel?

i can guarantee you no westside squat has ever broken actual parallel. fucking hell i dont care about what you think enough to argue.i was drunk when i posted that. read dan greens article on jts. theres someone actually qualified to talk about raw lifting, unlike any of us


Looks like parallel was slightly broken that day. Doesn’t the gear actually get in the way when trying to squat deep? (or at least from what I heard)

Looks like a pretty good squat from stan efferding, it definitely looks like it would pass in most meets where you just need to break parallel instead of touching the floor with your ass… I agree, dan green definitely knows his shi. Here are some of his squats, they are nice and deep. :slight_smile:

They definitely look wide too.

when did i ever say anything about wide stance squatting?

hard to tell from that angle, bit wierd Chuck Vogelpohl 1175 lb World Record Squat - YouTube

fairly high. even if some of his squats arent high, 99% in multiply are

Batman where are the videos of your awesome Unequipped Lifts? If your as educated about what works so well for Unequipped lifters you must have some awesome raw lifts right? Come on lets see it. Prove you know what your saying. I am not arguing that Westside is good or bad for raw lifters as personally I think at the end of the day every one is looking for the magic program or percentage when in general they just need to get under a damn bar.

So I am officially calling you out to prove you know what you say you know not that you know what Dan Green or Brandon Lilly says. In the mean time and until then ( which will probably be a while because I doubt you have amazing lifts or you wouldn’t be bashing on people who are only trying something new ) stop trying to knock guys like Vogelpohls’ lifts who you could not even unrack or walk out with in any amount of gear… unless I am wrong in which case video and I will apologize.

[quote]DSSG wrote:

[quote]Chicksan wrote:

[quote]batman122 wrote:
if youre raw why wouldnt you just do a sensible for raw lifting program[/quote]

The conjugate template can be used for raw training[/quote]
Fuck man, are you going to tell me that bands work for raw lifting too? And that there are other weaknesses other than at parallel, off the chest, and breaking the weight off the floor? That is blasphemy! And people can only use the max effort, and dynamic effort method weekly if on a bucket load of horse steroids!

What else are you going to say, that some people squat better low bar, and with an outside of shoulder width stance? What next, will you say that high bar narrow squatting with olympic shoes are retarded for anyone, but a small minority?

And those half squats, you know those wide stance squats done one, or two inches below parallel? I bet you are going to say that you would pass those in a meet. I thought you knew your stuff, but I can tell you are just one of those half squatting westside gear whores who don’t lockout their benches/deadlifts.

(read: this is an attempt at humor at the stuff that likely functioning retarded people say) [/quote]

When I first read this, I hadnt scrolled down far enough to see your last sentence. I was thinking to myself, “man, I really ruined this guys day and I didnt even have to try!” lmao

To Batman, Mike Hedlesky, aka StormTheBeach just took first place at IPF worlds using the very system you are knocking.

Brandon Lilly’s Cube Method is based around ME, DE and RE days, just not all in the same week, simply spread out over 3 weeks. he still advocates changing exercises such as Floor Press, Board Press, Deficit Pulls and Block Pulls, just like the conjugate system. He also waves intensities as well.

Dan Green doesnt use the method anymore, but he did at one point and hit some very respectable numbers which include a 650lbs squat, I cant even roll that weight!

I simply stated that the program can be used for raw training, thats all.

On a side note, and this is just me, but I would NEVER have the balls to critique any of Chuck Vogelpohls lifts. That man has been smashing records since when, the 1980’s? I hope to still be able to walk after lifting that heavy for that long, let alone still have the oppurtunity to break a record.

[quote]batman122 wrote:
fairly high. even if some of his squats arent high, 99% in multiply are[/quote]

What an hysterically ignorant statement, made by an anonymous internet forum doofus whose moniker is “batman122”. You have zero credibility to judge any one else’s lifts, let alone Chuck’s. Your statement is laughable at best.

I would never have the balls to critique lifts that the top of the top lifters do. Hell, even a decade from now I’m still going to respect his lifts. He’s an old injured beat to hell man with freakishly long legs, and is still breaking records. That sounds pretty damn respectable without even going into how intense he is.

Also, chicksan, I train conjugate (And it’s making my lifts explode now that I’m following louie simmons recommendations better!). It’s the only thing that can move my squat, and bench consistently. I’ve actually started using bands for raw lifting, and I’ve been finding some nice results from them. :slight_smile:

[quote]frankjl wrote:

[quote]batman122 wrote:
fairly high. even if some of his squats arent high, 99% in multiply are[/quote]

What an hysterically ignorant statement, made by an anonymous internet forum doofus whose moniker is “batman122”. You have zero credibility to judge any one else’s lifts, let alone Chuck’s. Your statement is laughable at best.[/quote]

and all your squats are high

[quote]Reed wrote:
Batman where are the videos of your awesome Unequipped Lifts? If your as educated about what works so well for Unequipped lifters you must have some awesome raw lifts right? Come on lets see it. Prove you know what your saying. I am not arguing that Westside is good or bad for raw lifters as personally I think at the end of the day every one is looking for the magic program or percentage when in general they just need to get under a damn bar.

So I am officially calling you out to prove you know what you say you know not that you know what Dan Green or Brandon Lilly says. In the mean time and until then ( which will probably be a while because I doubt you have amazing lifts or you wouldn’t be bashing on people who are only trying something new ) stop trying to knock guys like Vogelpohls’ lifts who you could not even unrack or walk out with in any amount of gear… unless I am wrong in which case video and I will apologize. [/quote]

do you fancy the guy or something? im sorry i dont have a physics degree either but i know what a 90 degree angle looks like, therefore i know what is, and is not, below it. also pretty sure he didnt walk that out either…