Stretch Marks

Now, I’m not hyooge. I’ve still got a relatively normal build at 185@ 5’8". However even though I’ve been at this same bodyweight for quite some time, I’m getting LOTS of stretchmarks up my biceps, triceps, and shoulders, I have quite a few on my legs too, but that’s not noticable.

I don’t even train arms directly at this point. My stretch marks, start at the back of my delt, go to the front of my delt, then biceps on my left arm, and down my tricep on my right arm. If they weren’t getting larger I wouldn’t care, but a bunch of red streaks running all over my torso isn’t cool.

And I’m still small as hell, will it get worse when I try to close in on 200lbs? I don’t want to cut until I have to for powerlifting, but this is bugging me. And don’t give me any of that “battlescars of the weightroom” B.S. I thought that way when I had some neat marks on my delts, now they’re starting to bug me.

While it does suck to get stretch marks, at least you can pride yourself on the fact you got them for the right reason (muscle), instead of by being a fatass and getting them because of a Oreo addiction.

(I know you didn’t wanna hear about “battlescars of the weightroom,” but you did get them there and not from McDonalds, so there is something to be said for it)

They’re unbelievable on my legs, starting on my arms too now.

I used to have them really bad on my lower back a few years ago and they’re invisible now. Yours might disappear too.

Vitamin E, for muscle and skin elasticity. Take internally and rub on externally.

[quote]streamline wrote:
Vitamin E, for muscle and skin elasticity. Take internally and rub on externally.[/quote]

Is it included in most multis/lotions?

[quote]LiftSmart wrote:
They’re unbelievable on my legs, starting on my arms too now.

I used to have them really bad on my lower back a few years ago and they’re invisible now. Yours might disappear too.[/quote]

My quads/hammies have quite a few too, that’s where it all started. The funny thing is, the last month and a half or so, I haven’t done much upper body work other then some DB rows and some chins, My shoulder is messed up so I’ve been focussing on my squat and deadlift.

I want to start doing direct arm work again so I can be all purty and shit for next school year, but If I have scary red streaks all over my fuckign arms, I won’t even bother.

Most quality skin creams have it. Internal is also very important.

It takes around a year for them to fade, but they will eventually.

the insides of biceps are covered in them also under my shoulders, im getting some on my traps and upper back lately, im taking them as medals of honour

Yeah, as long as they arent on your hips/stomach/ass, be proud of them.

[quote]Kliplemet wrote:
Stronghold wrote:
Yeah, as long as they arent on your hips/stomach/ass, be proud of them.

I have them on my ass even though I was never even remotely fat or pudgy. Ass is a muscle too[/quote]

It’s from all those black chicks you’ve been hooking up with. Their stretch marks are rubbing off on you.

[quote]dk44 wrote:
While it does suck to get stretch marks, at least you can pride yourself on the fact you got them for the right reason (muscle), instead of by being a fatass and getting them because of a Oreo addiction.

(I know you didn’t wanna hear about “battlescars of the weightroom,” but you did get them there and not from McDonalds, so there is something to be said for it)[/quote]

lol I have scars from my oreo addiction :smiley:

atleast you have muscle to compliment yours…

[quote]Stronghold wrote:
Yeah, as long as they arent on your hips/stomach/ass, be proud of them.[/quote]

What’s the difference?