If you’re saying that you got a new PR, then took 2-3 days off and tried to max and failed, it doesn’t mean you lost that strength in 2-3 days. The 2-3 days had nothing to do with it, maybe you didn’t warm up as well or you tried again too soon.
Second, if you mean you’re going to do a month of strength training (like Strength-Focused Mesocycle) and THEN do the 6-week ABBH program, that sounds good.
If you mean you’re going to do a “strength workout” then do the ABBH workout on the same day, it sounds like a bad idea.
I think you need to taylor any of the training programs here to suit your own needs. Follow the basic template but make adjustments as needed (i.e, less, more, etc.). Also, don’t max too often. Be patient.