Im starting ABBH Monday, rotating off a successful, very successful muscle meltdown 6 week cycle. Im not the sharpest tool in the shed, but could someone please break down exactly what a day of ABBH is supposed to look like? Do I rotate exercises? I would really appreciate if someone could post a detailed example of what a ABBH day would look like. Thanks in advance.
It is very simple.
for example a verticle push/pull day @ 5 reps, 10 sets may look like this. Dependent on the excersizes u choose. We’ll use bench and BO Rows.
You would do 1 set of Bench @ 60 % of your 1rm max then rest one minute then 1 set BO rows @ 60% 1 rm max, 1 min rest, Bench 60% 1 min rest, BO rows 60% rest, etc.
Continue until you have done 5 sets. Then PWO shake & go home.
The next week you will up the load on this day to 65% 1 rm max.
It is same way for the lower rep work as far as supersetting goes. with 1 min rest between each excercise. Only your doing 10 sets for 3 reps @ 80% 1 rm max. On these days instead of changing the weight load weekly you up the rep load by 1 per set. So the second week 80% 1 rm 10 sets, 4 reps, then 5 reps the next week same weight.
That should do it.
If not just ask.
check out this article