Strained Pec

Just like the title says, I strained my pec today decline benching. Don’t really know what happened, just know that adduction and horizontal pressing motions on that side are painful. No bruising and it’s not terribly painful, but I would definitely describe it as uncomfortable. It’s sort of the outer pec. See attached picture.

Anyone had a strained pec muscle before and have a timeline on back to 100% and/or ideas on rehabing it faster?

Just got out of surgery a fortnight ago. Tore the pec major tendon off the bone. The doc gave me a window of around 4-6 mnths till Ill be back to square one… Obviuosly I’m not a doctor but there’s basically 3 different grades to a pec strain: a small tear (1st degree), a half tear (2nd degree) or a full tear (3rd degree).

Basically if it’s a grade 1 or 2 you have to make sure you don’t just push through the pain or stretch it. You need to let the scar tissue form, ice the shit out of it 4 a few days and when your icing it do it while the pec is lengthened ( shoulders back) so the scar tissue forms this way to aid in recovery and re-strengthening. SEE A DOCTOR. I’m sorry I don’t know how long till you’ll be back to pressing 100% but one thing I do know is not to rush it. Stretching and gradual and progressive strengthening is the way to do it. If u tear it all the way through like mine you have a 2 week window after the tear to get surgery done other wise te scar tissue will form all messed up, u won’t be able to press for a very long time ( if ever) and your chest will suck forever… I got in on the two week window and tho doc told me I’m not aloud to bench deeper then six inches off my chest again So don’t mess around with it ay. See a doc

Hope this info helps

Just strained my pec yesterday as well…I am so effin pissed off…shoulda stopped at 365…instead went for 375 and wammo…

Mother humper…my heavy lifting days are done…even after I heal.

Tiger Balm is the shit…it helped a ton yesterday and today.

[quote]johnson2133 wrote:
Just strained my pec yesterday as well…I am so effin pissed off…shoulda stopped at 365…instead went for 375 and wammo…

Mother humper…my heavy lifting days are done…even after I heal.

Tiger Balm is the shit…it helped a ton yesterday and today.

