Hey guys, this is my first post in the T-Nation forums despite being a long time reader.
Earlier today I was benching for a double @ 300lbs, and on the second rep, I felt something in my left pec pop, immediately followed by a strange, burning, almost ‘bubbly’ kind of pain in my left pec. I was still able to complete the rep, and cautiously ended my workout early (after a few heavy calve raises
Even immediately after the incident, there wasn’t much pain, and not any noticeable swelling. Now a few hours later, it is still kind of tender, but only when stretching it, or putting even light loads on it (for example, when squeezing the top down on a child-safe cap of ibuprofen ;)) Strangely though, the pain is still almost more of a ‘burning’ feeling. The last time I felt this ‘burning’ kind of pain was when I sprained my ankle, but that was much more painful and swelled up to the size of a baseball.
To be on the safe side, I’ve iced it and started a light schedule of anti-inflammatories, and will be going to the doctor in the next few days.
I’m looking for input from anybody who has experienced or been around somebody with a pec injury. What I’m really trying to determine is if it is a full tear, a partial tear, just a strain, or maybe something else. I’m particularly worried about tears, because from what I’ve read so far, they often require surgery and even still never fully heal.
So guys and gals, anybody ever had anything similar, and what was the diagnosis? How did you treat it, and how long did it take you to get back to full strength?