Squat form check 2

62.5kg x 8

Any comments appreciated


You’re looking more natural and less stiff during your lifts.

How do they feeeel?

Are you still getting out of breath and light headed after sets, or can you breathe better now?

And if the breathing part has improved, do you still feel “tight” and “braced” like before? Because that would be good.

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Yeah for sure - you guys have all really helped. In the end I just bit the bullet and lowered the weight to something I could handle without breaks.

I’m doing widowmakers with 20 rep squats and just bossing it.

Still feel tight, breathing fine, dizziness all gone (after properly doing cardio as advised on here), doing warm up sets, it’s aaaaall good and thanks to everyone out there for helping!

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First off, much respect for putting yourself out there. Seeing yourself on video and getting feedback will have immeasurable benefits down the road.

You’re breaking back at the hips like you’re on your way to a good morning before starting your ascent. Ideally you’ll be breaking at the knees and the hips at the same time as the bar drops down in a straight line. This looks more like hinge than squat to start and then you have to correct.

I’ve attached a shot of your eccentric and then one of your concentric at similar points to highlight the difference. Your concentric looks great, but you really want the concentric to mirror the eccentric as much as you can. Front squats could help a lot since you physically cannot hinge forward like that as you drop down.

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Nice jeans.

I’m a fan of low bar (Rippetoe influenced) but to my untrained eye, these look pretty good.

You know what, you are doing a great fucking job. These guys have all given great advice, but I just want to add encouragement.

Also props to you for priotizing squats over clothes. I worked at Abercrombie and those stupid ripped jeans were great for lifting. You just had to take a cheese grater to shred the denim and open up stress points to be flexable for your movement.

My wife is embarrassed that I wear pajama pants and flip-flops to the the gym. Substance matters more than image.


To be clear, I was genuinely appreciative of the sartorial splendor of the poster.

I was also complimentary on his form and efforts.

A guy was deadlifting 465 in Levi’s yesterday at my gym - jacked!

I was intimidated.

So I threw a couple of tens on the women’s bar and pressed it five times just to show him who was the boss.

Hell yeah, show that beta male who is the bitch.

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Wait… these were meant to be low bar ripptoe squats!!! Eeek!

That is a really good point. It felt more natural to me to hinge my hips so just for this workout I went back to it but that side by side comparison is such good evidence. I’ll go back to the knees hips combo.

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If you really want to know, I’ve been through two pairs of trousers already - one I exploded the flies at the bottom of a squat and caught it on video, the other pair of jeans just full on tore in the most embarrassing way feasible:

I told myself I’d try ONE more pair then I’m using sweatpants: I’ve got stretch jeans from a cheap local shop!

Could be the angle of the camera but the bar looked slightly high to me.

Not an expert.