[quote]Massthetics wrote:
[quote]Evolv wrote:
[quote]Massthetics wrote:
So many people asked for a form video numerous times, and I actually post one and nobody bothers to reply :(.[/quote]
Relax man, folks will get to you. Patience.
Reed basically summed up everything that I would recommend.
The overall remedy in my opinion is just to keep squatting and strengthen your lower & upper back. As you get more fatigue in your set you’re raising your hips faster than anything else which is pitching you forward. Just something to keep in mind. Also, for the front squats, you can try adding them in on one of your squat days in place of your regular squats.
Keep getting at it buddy.[/quote]
Thanks. Yeah I do have to work on my back more. I went to the gym this morning before school (first time going in the morning btw, so much better than late afternoons or evenings) and I concentrated on my form. I felt pretty solid, before I used to sort of have the bar wresting on my fingers with my wrists bent. Thought I was tightening up my traps and keeping my back strong. Today I gripped it properly like if I were doing bench press, and brang it lower down my back. Squeezed the hell out of the bar and my back. What I noticed is that its not as comfortable anymore since its not on the thickest part of my trap but thats minor, secondly my delts were burning slightly. Most of the time it was my rear delts but I swear I can remember my fronts burning at one point lol. I feel stronger it feels kind of more natural but at the same time it doesn’t I guess I have to keep at it to work on flexibility etc.
Chris Colucci - Yeah they were slightly outward that day.
Yep, I have started to notice how important it is so stay consistent is. You’d think if you slept in to let yourself recover more you’d perform better but that isn’t the case. About friday nights I probably should make a new thread about this but I’ll just ask it here. What sort of frequency of drinking would be acceptable? Last time I got drunk was a while ago, 3 months ago at a party. I don’t really drink because I am worrying about making gains, I drink very infrequently and I was the last one of my friends to try it by about 6-9 months anyway.
There’s lots of parties going on etc im not going to let my adolescence be wasted and have no fun. I was thinking drinking every 2-3 weeks would be fine? i have no interest in drinking, I only do it at parties. I have never been wasted anyway I only get tipsy because like I said im not a drinker.
Spoke about the grip at the start of this post :).[/quote]
The shoulder flexibility will come just ease into it slowly. I have agitated my shoulders trying to force my grip in closer than I could to soon. Just take your time moving it in. You will def have tightness in the shoulders rear and front in my experience especially when going for rep sets. Focus on soft tissue work of the pecs and front delts and work on external rotation of the shoulders.
As for the drinking and doing things that hold your progress back ie not eating, sleeping, partying what the hell ever and what the frequency and how often you can do these things. The answer to this question is going to kinda be a slap in the face but maybe it will be a reasonable answer.
If drinking, not eating, or whatever is making you have horrible training sessions then the acceptable frequency to do these things in my opinion is NEVER. Training is my life, my passion and my drug. Standing under a squat bar and squatting 400, 500, 600, or even 700 lately and squatting until blood pores or my body passes out from effort is by far more enjoyable and interesting than getting tipsy with my boys.
If your goals are to be a every day lifter then fuck it drink up, smoke, stay up late what ever it is but, if you want to break records be remembered make the most gains possible then drop that shit. Make a decision.