[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]Massthetics wrote:
I thought that getting a better sprint, the speed and power should cross over to squats? e.g. Come back up out of the hole with more speed and force. I got the idea from one of omar’s videos[/quote]
Never heard of that dude before but, not surprisingly, he didn’t actually go into much/any detail about why or how sprinting would carryover to squat strength. The mechanics of the movement are different, the force curves are different, and the basic ROM of the leg drive is different.
Like I was getting at before, anyone who’s barely squatting their bodyweight will see very little strength benefit from sprints compared to time/effort invested. They’d be much better off simply squatting consistently.
Pulled hamstrings are not totally uncommon in people who try sprinting too hard, too fast, too soon. So always warm-up thoroughly, start with shorter distances as you build up, and consider some basic mobility drills in your general warm-ups (both pre-lifting and pre-run).
[quote]Haven’t touched a bike or any sort of “cardio” in a while but I think i probably have an ‘okay’ base.
Yeah I was thinking along the lines of 4-6 sets of sprinting too, I might end up doing something similar since nothing else comes to mind.[/quote]
Definitely play it by ear then. And as was mentioned, you’ll now have to factor your sprint workouts as part of your weekly recovery, regarding lower body strength training. Try not to sprint the day before training legs.
“They” also once successfully encouraged a dude to commit suicide on webcam. So how 'bout we don’t consider the average IQ over there to be much higher than that of a partially-lobotomized Capuchin monkey.
Regarding the rest of your explanation on this, rather than go point-by-point (which AG did pretty well), I’ll just say that lots and lots of different things work, even though some of them may not fall in line with the beliefs you’ve accumulated in your 150 days of training experience.
Low-fat diets work. They’re not as popular today, but tons of guys have built muscle and lost bodyfat while keeping dietary fat relatively-low. Protein shakes work. I’d bet the majority of lifters worldwide have one or two shakes every single day as a way to maximize their nutrition. And telling a skinny kid that a shake will help his gains is pretty solid advice.
The “30-minute anabolic window” you mentioned is accurate, in that the body will basically soak up nutrients immediately after training. It’s only the last two or three years that the push for pre and during-workout nutrition (instead of post) has really gotten rolling among lifters.
Long story short (too late), it’s great that you seem motivated to learn and research, but it’s unfortunate that you do also seem quick to be dismissive of things that don’t mesh with the rigid box of ideas you’re already starting to form.
Not to get all “out there”, but there is a bit of Zen with the Art of Lifting:
Fair points, I can understand what your saying.
Yeah pulled hamstrings would be an issue when sprinting i’ve gotten it a few times before. My hamstrings are tight and they take longer to fully recover compared to other body parts they’re pretty annoying. I plan to do something about my hamstrings soon.
Well im on stronglifts at the moment so I squat 3x a week. I am planning to sprint twice a week in between my stronglifts days. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I lift. Wednesday and Friday I will do sprints.
Very sad about the suicide, can’t say im surprised though. Misc is like that. Their dedicated bodybuilding sections have some good advice here and there but not as consistent as T-Nation. Only posted in misc because it was funny, most people are against each other nobody takes it seriously.
I will happily challenge you on low fat diets I will probably learn something. Ofcourse low can diets CAN work, but it by far isn’t the best way to lose bf and it definitely isn’t healthy. Fat is involved in so many essential bodily functions I won’t bother to list them, but cutting fats out of your diet is like suicide in my opinion. I have never seen any body in my life who successfully got on a low fat diet, lost weight, and over all improved their health. good luck having a strong heart on a low fat diet, have fun giving your brain the fuel that it needs, have fun with your lower testosterone levels, have fun with your overall ruined health. Fats are essential, we NEED to get the fats we need, protein is ESSENTIAL, there is no such thing as essential carbohydrates. We can (in my opinion should) be cutting carbs out of our diet instead. First week or so we won’t perform as well in the gym and might not feel as good but after that we will be much better off once our body adapts to burning fat as energy as opposed to glucose.
Many athletes have proven this, ketones are the preferred fuel for our brain (lol, glucose…), SATURATED fats are fuel for our heart, our entire body runs better than ketones. People who recover from cancer on a no carb diet isn’t exactly unheard of either, cancer cells can ONLY feed off of glucose for energy. They can’t use ketones. What happens when your body isn’t giving cancer cells any glucose? They die.
One man who worked at a hospital treating children, adolescents and young adults with mental disorders (seizures, adhd, etc) rather than giving them the typical treatment decided to try something different. He told them to change their diet, eat lots of fats, and cut out all carbs. What happened? Every single one of them made dramatic improvements which were pretty much unheard of. A handful of parents had also tried this diet seeing how good it was for their children, they all said they feel a lot better, and also managed to lose some weight.
I don’t see any benefit that a low fat diet has over any other type of diet. I have never seen it work in the real world, and I cannot see it working in theory.
Please correct me if i’m wrong but if your getting your daily protein requirement from real foods a protein shake won’t help? Protein from protein shakes isn’t magically better or more effective than the protein you eat. If your getting your required intake from foods (i honestly can’t see why not, 1g per lb of bodyweight is easy to achieve) then you won’t get any extra benefit.
I don’t see why the body won’t/can’t absorb nutrients just as well during any other part of the day. The 30 minute anabolic window is the first ‘myth’ i busted when I first started going to the gym I have been completely disregarding it ever since. Why, 2 hours after the work out, would your need for nutrients go down? It does not make sense to me why it absolutely has to be 30 minutes after your work out, implying that if you have a shake a few hours later instead it will just go straight through you, lol.
The personal trainer was talking to his partner about the supplements they take, theyre like “YEAH I TAKE THIS MULTIVITAMIN, THIS PRE WORKOUT, THIS PROTEIN SHAKE” and he turned to me and asked me what supplements I take. I told him nothing, just food and he stared at me like I killed someone. He said something along the lines of if I don’t take a protein shake I won’t make gains, if I don’t have it 30 minutes after my workout 80% (wonder where he got that random number from…) of my workout would be wasted.
There is this one woman that goes to my gym, who does literally NOTHING but run on the treadmill (go outside idiot why pay for a gym membership) who approached me as I was on my way in and asked ‘you going to hit the weights’ im like yeah yeah, etc. She tried giving me ‘advice’. Shes like "MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR FATS LOW, AND MAKE SURE YOU AVOID SATURATED FATS THEY ARE THE BAD FATS!!! BE SURE YOU HAVE LOTS OF EGG WHITES (throwing away egg yolk is the stupidest thing ive heard in my life). DO YOU TAKE A PROTEIN SHAKE??? " "no. " "
Speaking about supplements in general, I have this acquaintance whos been lifting for about 14 months and he hardly even looks like he lifts. He takes fish oils, multivitamin, protein shakes, mass gainer, pre workout, carb pills, apetite increasers, and that’s just off the top of my head. He spent 1-2 grand on supplements in the last 3 months. Trains his heart out getting up at 6am to make it to the gym is he has to, trains hard (but definitely not smart), puts a lot of effort into his diet (low fat, high protein, high carb, dont make me laugh). He is doing lots of things wrong and takes pretty much every supplement on the planet. Funny thing is I am making gains faster than he is. Supplements aren’t magical, if there is something your MISSING in your DIET then they can be useful e.g. if for some reason you can’t manage you eat enough protein. But for me, they don’t really have a place in my life.
Please please please please challenge me on all of this I like a debate, its how I learn. I’m not arrogant I just firmly believe what I know especially after so many sources have confirmed it and then 1 person tells me otherwise.
and lol at the video, interesting.