Photo on the left I was struggling with chronic drinking, cocaine, benzos and eating the absolute worst foods, I had these bad habits for almost 3 years. After consecutive nights of heart palpitations and increased anxiety I realised I had to make a change or I was going to die before I turned 25. The Photo on the right was taken last night, the two photos are roughly 8 months apart.
Left: 244lbs god knows my bodyfat
Right: 190-195lbs and although I know body fat is just an arbitrary number, some estimates would be appreciated! Im guessing…14? By the way I am 6’ tall.
Im extremely proud of myself, I did this by myself no rehab, no trainers, no nutritionist. Not gloating but for anyone reading in a similar situation I was in I just want to point out that will power and self dedication is the true driver of results in all walks of life. And you CAN do it, just make small goals and keep nailing your targets, and if you miss 1 target, the attempt will heavily outweigh not attempting at all! Both mentally and physically.
As for my current physique what do you guys and gals suggest I do? Id like to just get as shredded as possible now and have the ultimate 1 year transformation, 4 months to do so!! Would you recommend a cut? What about recomp? Lately ive been eating in a 300ish deficit with food alone but working out like an absolute mad man, mixing heavy lifts and body weight exercises with plenty of walking so my deficit is definitely more than just 300. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week.
Im working so damn hard because I really dont want to be one of those guys who only got a bitch looking 6 pack becsuse he sacrified all of his strength.
Any sort of advice is greatly appreciated, would eating at maintence calories benefit me more considering I lift and do cardio so often?
4 months to drop down to 10%bf or below, lift heavy, walk lots, eat at…maintenance or 300 deficit? I know cardio is not necessarily needed to get shredded but I do it for the heart health and over all health benefits to help reverse the damage ive done in the past.
Wow bigger post than I thought it would be, if you stuck with me I thank you! Any advice is GREATLY APPRECIATED.