OK, so my gym owner/former pro figther was showing me a couple of moves Tae kwon do fighters rely on. He drove his knee into my left thigh above the knee, where you find the outer quad sweep. He just nudged it, to show me how it’s done with good technique…but right there and then, it started to feel sore and numb.
I had sprinted and done a full body stretch just minutes earlier.
How or when it hurts: when I get up from a chair and use my legs to push my butt off of it. Or when I’m curling my legs/bending my knees to, say, squat down and drag something out from under the bed, just to give you an example.
The gym owner says just let it be, it’ll go away in a day. But I have a squat/deadlift workout coming up day after tomorrow, and I want my thigh/ham to be a 100%. Is there any real need for icing? It doesn’t hurt really, just sore and numb, and perhaps, mild discomfort when I fully curl my leg and straighten it. I was feeling it slightly, as I worked the clutch in my car too.
So, thoughts/comments? I appreciate you taking the time to read this. My posts are rather lengthy, I know. Thanks again, I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.
Happy lifting.