Long story but I have one week (well, till next sat) to lose as much flab and be as tight as poss. Been working out pretty consistantly but slacked off in the last fortnight and look pretty shabby compared to former glories so this is a damage limitation exercise. It IS woman-related but I’ll leave it there.
At my disposal are a bedroom full of weights. A YORK pressing bench. A chin-up bar. An exercise bike. A park around the corner with some steep inclines. Some whey protein. Some creatine. Vits and fish oils.
And a fridge full of fresh spinach and broccoli, turkey steaks and similar bits and pieces. I have an hour a day (in one lump) max to exercise.
What is the most effective thing to do?
Pure interval training?
Pure cardio?
Pure weights?
A mix?
Just big heavy compound lifts?
Massive calorific defecit?
0 carbs?
Creatine yey or ney?
Any advice from you lovely people will be welcome. I realise that this goes against previous stated goals of helath/fitness first but it’s a one-week deal before I’m all back on the wagon.
[quote]1-packlondoner wrote:
Been working out pretty consistantly but slacked off in the last fortnight and look pretty shabby compared to former glories…[/quote]
A fortnight is two weeks, right? So you took off two weeks, and now you’ve got just one to make serious changes. Yeah. Um, okay then.
So that would make this a T-Man alert, level 5, right? Meeting the parents? You’re meeting the parents, aren’t ya. I bet he’s meeting the parents. Or first time as a couple at the beach. hehe. Just kidding, man.
[quote]What is the most effective thing to do?
Pure interval training?
Pure cardio?
Pure weights?
A mix?
Just big heavy compound lifts?
Massive calorific defecit?
0 carbs?
Creatine yey or ney?[/quote]
Presuming you have some unpleasant parts you want to tighten up, I’d cut way back on the carbs, bump the protein sky high, work an upper-lower split four times (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) with basic “bodybuilder” stuff: moderate rep ranges with a mix of compound and isolation movements, and do a bit of steady cardio or moderate-intensity intervals everyday (after the weights).
Did I mention crossing your fingers? 'Twould be a good idea.
I second Nate Dogg’s suggestion. Read this article and follow it exactly. You’re not going to lose a substantial amount of fat in a week, but if you shed some subcutaneous water and tighten up, you can at least look like you did.
cut all salt 2 days prior and take diuretics the night before. also don’t you touch a single carb for the 3 days prior. That should take off several pounds of water.
I bet you eat poorly, just a guess. I used to too almost a year ago and I lost 15 pounds in two weeks (160 - 145) mostly by completely changing my diet.
Switch everything you eat to low carb food, like eggs, fish, lean chicken, bananas, broccoli…stuff like that. If you only have a week or two, avoid high sugar things like apples, because even if it’s healthy, it’s still sugar.
Cut out all soda, gatorade, juices you drink and replace them with water, this will cut a lot of calories out of your diet too.
I don’t recommend eating less, and healthier for long periods of time. I’m a wrestler and I have lost 10 pounds in two days, so, I know how to lose weight. (my method was a lot more drastic though)
Thinking about it, it depends on your build. I’m assuming you want to look stronger too, not just lose weight. So if you have fat under your muscle, this is a pretty good way to go. If you’re mostly fat…then you might just want to throw in the towel because you won’t gain any noticeable muscle in 2 weeks
And for cardio, take 4 minutes out of your workout and do the Tabata method with running. I’ve tried it and it really tires me out.
Run 20s as fast as you can, rest for 10s. Repeat 7 more times.
I suggest doing this after your workout, it’ll keep burning fat and carbs throughout the night, if done with enough intensity.
[quote]Epimetheus wrote:
Get your hands on some DNP and live in a freezer for a week.[/quote]
Either you were kidding, and it was difficult to pick up on the humor, or you’re a complete idiot for telling a beginner to do something like jump on DNP.
Ironically, some of the worst advice I see on this site is given to beginners.
[quote]Contrl wrote:
Epimetheus wrote:
Get your hands on some DNP and live in a freezer for a week.
Either you were kidding, and it was difficult to pick up on the humor, or you’re a complete idiot for telling a beginner to do something like jump on DNP.
Ironically, some of the worst advice I see on this site is given to beginners.[/quote]
I thought it was freakin hilarious. However when someone asks about cutting in a week they will get “unsound” advice, simply because its not a good practice.