Last week, I got fouled pretty hard in a basketball game. Dude swatted hit arms straight down across my right shoulder, and a few hours later it REALLY started hurting. I iced it, but continued to lift, while focusing on prehab work between sets, and this Monday I was good as new. Well, today, it started up again, out of no where, and this time MUCH worse.
Intially, only vertical movements hurt it, but now even horizontal does, even face pulls. It hurts to do a lateral raise motion, to stretch my arm behind my head, and hurts if I bring my arm across my chest (though it doesn’t if someone else pushes my arm across my chest). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Right now I’m just going to rest and ice it, and hopefully see a doctor soon, but if someone like BBB could comment on the situation, it would be of tremendous help.
Rest and Ice are good. Sounds like the trauma was directly to the top of your shoulder? So at the end of your collar bone? With the information you gave I would think it was something with your A/C joint. Hard to really say if its a sprain or not. But after it happened and you started lifting afterward, you probably irritated whatever is happening. Keep up the ice and rest and avoid agravating it more.
[quote]jimmyiosis wrote:
Rest and Ice are good. Sounds like the trauma was directly to the top of your shoulder? So at the end of your collar bone? With the information you gave I would think it was something with your A/C joint. Hard to really say if its a sprain or not. But after it happened and you started lifting afterward, you probably irritated whatever is happening. Keep up the ice and rest and avoid agravating it more. [/quote]
Thanks for the advice. That’s what I’ve been doing, seems to be helping