I am noticing a pain in my shoulders. Feels like a sprain, but not sure. Its feels like it is between my right trapezius and right deltoids. I usually feel it when i pull my shoulders back (like in bench position) or if i am laying on my right forearm like a bridge. I kinda notice it also when i reach my right hand over to my left shoulder. I am currently pursing a 300lb bench, and am interested in how I can strengthen my right shoulder.
I am currently on week 3 of month 5 of 5/3/1 and my numbers are:
DAY 1:
Squat: Last set 300lbs x 8 reps
Front squat : last set200lbs x 8
Curl: last set 100lbs x 4
Day 2:
Bench:last set 220lbs x 8
Rows: last set 190lbs x 7
Day 3:
Deadlift: Last set 345lbsx 9
OHP: Last set 125lbs x 9
Ummm… see a doctor. That’s what they’re for.
It is not what internet fitness freaks are for.
It could be a muscle strain, muscle tear, rotator cuff tear. I imagine it could be a labrum tear too. It is unlikely to be a ligament tear (or a “sprain”).
P.S. I just got back from the orhopedist about an hour ago. My issues are rotator cuff related, and the prescription is physical therapy. I am glad, and optimistic that I will avoid surgery.
I would rest before going to see a doctor, personally. minor injuries are pretty common, only you can judge if this is minor. Either way, hurting it more will only make it worse. Ice it a bunch and take antinflamatories. just dont take them for too long, and try to be aware if they’re helping to heal the problem or just to mask it.
Seems like your supraspinatus and possibly infraspinatus muscles are locked up. Obviously get checked up if it doesnt heal, but i would ice massage the entire shoulder region a couple times a day to cut the inflammation down and speed the healing. Be gradual when gettinng back, and make sure your flexibility/mobility in your shoulders is up to par.