Shoulder Fatigue

Hi coach, I have been doing the 20 minute routine for a couple of months and making some great progress in areas I do not normally work, such as bench press and high reps on deadlift. So thanks for the program.

My problem, however, is that I am getting nowhere with the military press high reps - I actually dropped weight in the 5 and 1 rep sets along with the AMRAP set, but I still just hit a wall on that last set anywhere from 13-17 reps. I have some decent experience with OH pressing, but I am stuck on the high reps. Any thoughts? Thank you.

[quote]greggf wrote:
Hi coach, I have been doing the 20 minute routine for a couple of months and making some great progress in areas I do not normally work, such as bench press and high reps on deadlift. So thanks for the program.

My problem, however, is that I am getting nowhere with the military press high reps - I actually dropped weight in the 5 and 1 rep sets along with the AMRAP set, but I still just hit a wall on that last set anywhere from 13-17 reps. I have some decent experience with OH pressing, but I am stuck on the high reps. Any thoughts? Thank you. [/quote]

This can happen with overhead work since the delts can tire out quickly. I personally would avoid a slight leg drive on the shoulder presses (all the sets). Do not turn it into a power jerk, but a slight leg drive is fine

Thanks for the great advice. I was shocked at what a positive difference that made. Just a soft catch and reverse - nothing drastic like a real dip and drive - made the exercise feel much more productive.