Had been trying a shoulder routine in my split for a couple of weeks, but was finding the volume too much and that I lost the pump by the end of the workout. Was 2 compounds, then 2 lat. delt. isos and 2 rear delt isos. Since then I’ve been trying to mofidy it, and have come up with something like this. ANyone able to critique?
Military Press
Seated DB press
DB Lat raises
Upright Rows
DB shrugs
Wondered about the URRs, they’re for both lat delts and upper traps, so they’re relevant here, but would their inclusion be overdoing it for the workout?
Also, thought about possibly trying a HSS-100 style shoulder workout:
Military Press (8reps4)
DB seated press / DB lat raises superset (8/12, 8/12, 8/12)
Arnold Press (12reps3) or (8reps*4) or ‘Ahren Press’
Front raises x100
Anyone able to offer any advice, or say if it looks good?
Edit- anyone?
How much do you strict press over head while standing (military press)?
The reason I ask is that no amount of special isolation supersets and fancy shoulder specialization programs did jack for my shoulder development.
It wasn’t until I really focused my efforts on improving my military numbers that my shoulders started to really pop out. I trained them 5x5 working with the same weight for all five sets of five. After warming up of course. I would add 5 pounds to the bar every time I made all 5 sets of 5.
I can standing strict press body weight for a strict set of five. I know this isn’t a lot for internet numbers, but I have yet to see anyone in my gym military this much weight.
As much as I agree that people shouldn’t necessarily be spoon-fed, surely the point of posting on a bodybuilding site is to get advice? If it looks like someone is doing something glaringly wrong that is inevitably going to result in them overtraining or not progressing, then it can’t do any harm to pipe up? If you applied your advice to other things in life, how helpful would it be? I.e. ‘‘does this pedal operate the brake or the accelerator?’’ → crash
You can’t compare a machine to a human. Machines are universal. A car doesn’t operate differently here than it does in china or the UK. There may be slight differences, but all in all its the same.
However, EACH human is individual and unique.This isn’t a question that anybody cn answer. Not even you. The whole point is that you have to find out.
The fact remains that If your workout proves to be too high in volume,too little, or just enough, the ONLY way to find out is through giving it a shot.
While I’ve added shoulder training to bring mine up, alot of coaches don’t recommend training them seperately as they already get alot of work with everything else.
I think do either Mil Press or DB shoulder press, both might be pushing it.
Why several pressing moves AND a lot of other shit? No rear-delt thing? You could go without a rear delt exercise on a 2-way, but if you have a dedicated delt day:
-1 heavy pressing move (anything from standing military to seated smith high incline or even squat machine push presses) ← Contract your lats and keep your traps out of the move. This is not an overhead-shrug or some such bullshit.
6-8 reps on the work-set or 8-10 if you’re older…
-face pulls (can do 'em on the low-cable station where you do seated rows) or bent-overs
8-10 or 10-12 reps on your work-set
-laterals of any kind (machine, free-weight, cable)
howevermany reps you like… Just use a range where you can actually progress
-shrugs of any kind if you want to work your traps on delt day (don’t be a pussy, go heavy)
Drive the numbers you’re using up and don’t just do some uber-fancy circuit stuff that’ll make progression more difficult/slow than it already is.
[quote]hardgnr wrote:
I think its too much work for the shoulders.
While I’ve added shoulder training to bring mine up, alot of coaches don’t recommend training them seperately as they already get alot of work with everything else.
I think do either Mil Press or DB shoulder press, both might be pushing it.[/quote]
If he has a shoulder day, then he can do more exercises (unless he’s one of those people who do 4-6 sets at the same weight for all of the following in one workout: bench, flat flyes, incline bench, incline flyes, decline bench, decline flyes, dips, pec deck ;P).
Having only one pressing exercise and nothing else for delts is fine in a 2-way split, but if you do train with a 3-6-way… What the hell do you have a delt day for? Just don’t put it close to chest day…
Once i figured out how to train my shoulders correctly, shoulder day has become one of the toughest days to get through. For the past year, I’ve really focused on attacking all three heads of my shoulders, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive.
For the first year of my training where i had no clue what i was doing, I just did lots of pressing movements and in reality only worked my front delts. My front delts got bigger, but looked stupid with my under-developed side and rear delts.
Developing large side and rear delts really will give you that ‘bodybuilder’ look; the one where it looks like you have bowling balls on your shoulders. When viewed from the side and behind, my improved side and rear delts have really helped me achieve a more balanced, complete looking physique.
I constructed my shoulder workout to have a balanced focus on front, sides, and rear delts. I feel that it is the best way for me to get delt results. Here’s my current shoulder split:
Overhead push press:
2 warmup sets
3 work sets of 6-8 reps
Arnold press superset w/ reverse-faced HS shoulder press
3 work sets of 6-8 reps on each exercise
Standing DB front raise
3 work sets of 8-10 reps
1 arm DB side lateral raise while laying on incline bench
3 work sets of 10-12 reps
standig cable behind-the-back 1 arm lateral raise
3 work sets of 5-6 reps
HS rear delt flys superset with Cable rope face pulls
5 work sets of 6-8 reps on each exercise HEAVY