Hey guys im bulking since 10 months ±
i got +11kg±
Should i keep up bulking or start cut?
Progress is good in this time
Deadlift 160kg-200kg
Bench 90kg-110kg
Squat 145kg-180kg
Pulls ups 20kg 5x - 25kg 6x
If its going good, keep going.
Maybe notch it down to maintenance for 6 mos. while emphasizing strength instead of getting stuck in the bulk/cut dichotomy.
You have 0 abs, time to cut.
Good work on the bulk.
Dont change your program - you need to maintain the strength you gained and the program you used to get there is the best program to keep it.
His big 3 went up by 210lbs. That’s a pretty stellar 10 months.
Id like to see the difference in physique once he leans out. Maybe he will look the same, maybe he will have more size. I think this is a great test case to find out how much big 3 strength improvements correlate to size.
Interesting. I don’t see him anywhere close to needing a cut. He posted a great photo, relaxed, no favorable lighting or unnatural flexing and still has a very flat stomach with no sign of love handles. He seems right in the wheelhouse for continuing IMHO.
@Gudix123 How are you feeling? Energy levels good? Appetite steady? Sleep? Out of breath going up stairs?
Difference of opinion.
As someone whose only had abs for like 2 years (and wanted them for like 20), i would never willingly eat my abs out of sight.
Isn’t that a rather nebulous metric? Even at my leanest, I can eat a cheat meal and/or something high in sodium throughout the week and lose visibility of my abs. Only when I briefly hit ~6% bodyfat did I reach a point of visible 6-pack 24/7.
nope well at 73kg i did 4 muscle ups now i did 5 muscle ups no noticeable cardio exost levels.
i sleep well, Appetite is ok but im actually at 4500kcal 90% clean.
Sure, but if I wasn’t unable to see abs whatsoever - flexing or not - i think that’s a pretty good sign that I’d need to cut.
I would adjust programming, depending on goals. Is strength or hypertrophy or becoming jacked your goal? You can’t have them all. It seems you have primarily done compound strength work, based on your excellent results.
If I were you, I would combine the big 3 lifts 2-3 days a week (a la 531 or specific techniques like 1-6 method or wave loading) with one full body High Intensity Training day a week (applying 30-10-30 technique, read up on Ellington Darden) to broaden the possibilities for endurance/metcon (leanness).
Dietwise you seem to be on a too high calorie surplus for longevity. You should be able to reduce them to 3500 at most, otherwise you will become negatively fat over time. I don’t recommend cutting. A slight reduction of calories along with a HIT day a week will do the job in 3 months time!
I do walk the walk as I apply a similar free form approach on 3000-3500 cals, with enables me a slow, steady development - which is kind of impressive, considering I’m 50 years old (about 210 lbs with 13-15% bodyfat thus visible abs).
My workout looks like this its changing every 2 months
I got a couch actually maybe u know him its the faceless from strenght wars
He makes compromises with me and i can decide to bulk or cut thats why i ask here what u guys think
1a yates row 4s8 21X3 120s **https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ht-ywip2J28
1b biacromical bench press 4s5 70% CM 21X1 120-300s +2,5% **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjp1lXY-sKA
2a landmine lateral raise 4s8 2011 60s *od 5 tyg. 4s5 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONflIe9sNHY&t=17s od 30 sec
2b powell raise 4s8 4010 120s *od 5 tyg. 4s5 4010 https://youtu.be/gdMpGtGw7MY
3a barbell curl 4s8 2010 60s *od 5 tyg. 4s5 2010 https://youtu.be/_LNjE-64Hvw
3b overhead triceps extension 4s8 4010 120s *od 5 tyg. 4s5 4010 https://youtu.be/phjh4WVEKFI
4 tydzień
1a, 1b wolne
5-8 tydzień
1 biacromical bench press 5s3 75% CM 21X1 180-360s +5% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjp1lXY-sKA
2 yates row rampa 5 21X1 180s https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ht-ywip2J28
1a cyclist squat 4s6 50% CM 40X1 120s +5% ** https://youtu.be/e5xgwNlTNHI
1b seated leg curl 4s8 3011 120-300s **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELOCsoDSmrg&t=1s
2a db reverse lunge 3s7 2010 60s *od 5 tyg. 3s5 2010 na nogę https://youtu.be/jCmUB1g896M
2b barbell glute bridge 3s8 20X3 120s *od 5 tyg. 3s5 20X3 3 sec pauzy u góry https://youtu.be/5v--kZ8cwjs dodaj gumy wokół kolan
3 sled push 4s30m 60s *od 5 tyg. 4s15m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbQWu3GdWfc
4 calf raise leg press 3s12 2111 60s *od 5 tyg. 3s8 2211 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhRz1Ns60Zg
4 tydzień
1a, 1b wolne
5-8 tydzień
1a front squat 5s3 70% CM 21X1 120s +5% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN6Qn3sq8sg&t=40s
1b seated leg curl 5s3 20X1 180-300s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELOCsoDSmrg&t=1s
1a chin up 4s6 31X0 120s **https://youtu.be/ql5GIZNfWps *podchwyt
1b military press 4s5 70% CM 180-300s +5% **tempo dowolne https://youtu.be/1fwmBAKzW4g
2 dips 4s5 30X1 180-300s ***https://youtu.be/RT-rXASyvFI
3a incline lateral raise 4s8 3011 60s *od 5 tyg. 4s5 3011 https://youtube.com/shorts/J9DvDZzCOTo
3b 1-arm external rotation on knee 4s8 4010 120s *od 5 tyg. 4s5 4010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qb_UiSmFjk
4 alternate hammer curl 3s10 2010 120s https://youtu.be/UAl1KaMp-oA *od 5 tyg. db incline curl 3s8 3010 https://youtu.be/2lWcAUYb17s
4 tydzień
1 bench press close grip 8s2 60% CM 120s *nie robisz pozostałych ćwiczeń z A2 https://youtu.be/taSKv_apLiA
5-8 tydzień
1 bench press close grip 4s5 70% CM 21X1 180-360s +2,5% https://youtu.be/taSKv_apLiA
4 tydzień wolne
5-8 tydzień
1a hammer pull up 4s5 21X0 120s https://youtu.be/MXTssop0Ufg
1b db incline press 4s631X0 180-300s https://youtu.be/JxRezxz5xIM
1 sumo deadlift 3s4 65% CM 31X1 180-300s +5% **https://youtu.be/IzTrhA6X7eg
2 squat high bar 3s4 60% CM 31X1 180-240s +2,5% ***https://youtu.be/8oByz-61wSo
3a reverse nordic curl 3s6 4010 60s *od 5 tyg. 3s4 4010 https://youtu.be/UbjV75yiPMU
3b lying leg curl 3s7 2011 120s *od 5 tyg. 3s5 2011 https://youtu.be/qkHQ8P4OnUE
4 ab wheel with band 4smax 4010 60s *do upadku technicznego (gdy pojawi się hiperlordoza) . Dodajesz powt., wolniej w dół, słabsza guma lub bez https://youtu.be/YmrGQuqxHto
4 tydzień wolne
5-7 tydzień sumo deadlift 4s3 75% CM 180-360s +5% *tempo dowolne https://youtu.be/IzTrhA6X7eg
8 tydzień sumo deadlift rampa 2 180-360s https://youtu.be/IzTrhA6X7eg
-pas, paski
5 tydzień wolne
6-7 tydzień 3s3 70% CM 41X1 180-300s +5% https://youtu.be/8oByz-61wSo
8 tydzień wolne
It looks like a reasonable training program, which appearantly works for you. A good coach is also a great motivator. Then, I suggest you only lower the calories. Best of luck!
These are impressive to move together like this.
@Andrewgen_Receptors @jskrabac interesting discussion! I totally get where @Andrewgen_Receptors is coming from: I’ve always had a way tougher time with leanness, so I also value it more.
3500 will be a deficit of 500kcal in my case so cut
….and all sorts of hormonal, issues occur in most men once 20 percent body fat is surpassed. OP is knocking on that door now.
Really? Well, I’m only suggesting a moderate decrease of calories, as you would benefit from more of a “lean bulk” perspective. Your 4500 cals/day perspective is only beneficial from a bulk at all cost perspective. From what I’ve learned on this site, a decrease in 300 cal/day increments is a balanced approach.
Personally, my 3000-3500 cal approach serve me well, but we can’t compare apples and pears here. You are more active than me, though I weigh more.
35.000 steps a day do the work bro and my ADHD syndrome xD
well on 4500 kcal my weight gian was 1kg 2.2lb // month
and belowe 10% aswell.
But ye thats a good argument