The Deadlift is quickly becoming my favorite exercise, so I have been watching videos online to see differant techniques. I noticed that a bunch of guys were deadlifting with no shoes on. Is there a reason for that, or do they just really have a thing against shoes?
A lot of people prefer shoeless because the average tennis shoe causes your foot to slope forward, a bad posture for deadlifting. Additionally the squishy sole is not a great base. Chuck Taylors (converse) are the usual other choice. Some also chose wrestling shoes.
[quote]starkmann wrote:
A lot of people prefer shoeless because the average tennis shoe causes your foot to slope forward, a bad posture for deadlifting. Additionally the squishy sole is not a great base. Chuck Taylors (converse) are the usual other choice. Some also chose wrestling shoes.[/quote]
I like squatting, deadlifting and performing other lifts barefoot. But I also have Chuck Taylors, so I typically lift using those so my feet don’t get too dirty.
I’d have to agree that deads performed without shoes is better. With athletic shoes, I don’t get the feel for the ground, barefooted (with socks on actually), I can grip the ground with my feet, and drill my heels to the ground a lot better.
I use wrestling shoes. Gives you a great “feel” of the floor and plus the thin sole put you closer to the ground, less distance to lift. It may not seem like much but every little bit counts. Maybe that doesn’t matter for a bodybuilder but it sure helps the powerlifter.
Going shoeless will make the start a 1/4 to 1/2" higher.Chuck Taylors are good because the bottom sole of the shoe is hard and not squishy.As long as the bottom of the shoe is hard and flat it’s all good.
No shoes here when ever I can. Just like the feel no worry of the Right solid soled shoe etc. I dont wear them for any lift for the msot part.
It will be tough if you go to a commercial gym in thje states at least most require gym shoes. Bonus here in Thailand no worrries and many gyms require you have NO shoes in the building
I deadlift without shoes in my Gold’s gym. I get some funny looks, but have never had a problem with the trainers or the management. I find that my knees are very unstable when deadlifting in running shoes. I also have a pair of converse that I lift in at work.
I deadlift without shoes in my Gold’s gym. I get some funny looks, but have never had a problem with the trainers or the management. I find that my knees are very unstable when deadlifting in running shoes. I also have a pair of converse that I lift in at work.
i think it is a big liability for the gym, that is why. they are worried about dropping weight on feet. but really, i dont care if i have shoes on or not… gravity is going to make the weight do the same damage either way.
anyway… i can notice direct corelations in shoes and lift performance. i hit a huge PR when wearing my old skate shoes that are flat and have a wide base. I tried to do the same sumo dead yesterday but with running shoes… and i felt like i was goin to fall over. you dont have as much on the ground so they made me feel unbalanced. so try experimenting… i found some old school vans that are a lot like chucks so i will probably rock those.
If you have to wear shoes at your gym and Chucks are too narrow for you, try Adidas Sambas. They have flat, non-sloping soles, no squish to rob you of power and they have a wider toe box.
[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
I like squatting, deadlifting and performing other lifts barefoot. But I also have Chuck Taylors, so I typically lift using those so my feet don’t get too dirty. ;)[/quote]
I pull without shoes and have noticed a huge difference. I tend to squat in O lift shoes but I will try W/O them next time. Another option if you have wider feet is to get some wide Chuck Taylors. I got mine from online from Zappos and I love them. I have read that the insoles are squishy but I have never worn standard Chucks to compare them. Good luck.
[quote]Miserere wrote:
Nate Dogg wrote:
I like squatting, deadlifting and performing other lifts barefoot. But I also have Chuck Taylors, so I typically lift using those so my feet don’t get too dirty.
You need some 45s mate :-)[/quote]
LOL! I know!
It would be much easier to slap 3 45’s on each side than all the little plates. But I only have one pair of 45’s, two sets of 35’s, one set of 25’s and three sets of 10’s, plus 5’s and 2.5’s!
And unlike that photo from last August, I deadlift more than that without straps (I still had grip issues then).
Hey thanks for all the responses. That makes a lot of sense. I don’t do dead’s again till next wednesday (should really start doing them twice a week, because I friggin love pulling!). I have a pair of martial arts shoes that I might try wearing next week. If I like that maybe I’ll see about getting some of those Chucks for a little more ankle support action.