Hi guys this thing just came out with louie allowing rogue to build its on reverse hyper for about half of a price of a regular one. IT cost $795 plus $95 for shipping. I was wondering what you guys think of it. I know you can only see it by a pic. Ill prob email them asking them about the durability and weight load capacity of it.
That is the same as the “core revolution” one, I dont remember the weight limit but I do remember it was crap. Like 250lbs with the lifter also.
don’t waste your money.
I can tell you some funny stuff about the core revolution. Seems like the guy stuck Louie and there was or is a lawsuit going on. It was never meant for serious lifters, just housewives and Men’s Health kind of lifters.
This looks a little more solid. I bought mine 12 years ago for 700$ or so. They don’t even make that model now. there are some upgrades and with the cost of metal prices have gone up. My advice is to get a base GHR first before a RH. More versatile.
I contacted them and they say the collars are 7 inch long each side which means it will hold with my plates 2 45s and a 25 each side about which equats to about 230#. The core I heard holds about 150# either case they are both low amounts of weight capacity.
Funny thing i never how much louie is money hungry person until i went to the website and saw they own a chain of personal training studios. http://www.westside-barbell.com/commercial-equipment/ go to the bottom of the page and click on the link to beat personal training. They are really kinda gay and corny and its funny its own by westside.
[quote]bleed12 wrote:
I contacted them and they say the collars are 7 inch long each side which means it will hold with my plates 2 45s and a 25 each side about which equats to about 230#. The core I heard holds about 150# either case they are both low amounts of weight capacity.
Funny thing i never how much louie is money hungry person until i went to the website and saw they own a chain of personal training studios. http://www.westside-barbell.com/commercial-equipment/ go to the bottom of the page and click on the link to beat personal training. They are really kinda gay and corny and its funny its own by westside.[/quote]
So louie is now money hungry for wanting to make some money? Maybe tell that to the guys he lets train at westside for free like he always has…Oh and that RH looks like POS, you’ll likely grow out of it quickly and then have a piece of equipment that you have no use for. If you’re going to get a RH get a good one you wont grow out of.
Um–just lay face down on a table with your legs hanging off – have your kid hold onto your legs - instant reverse hyper. If you don’t have a small kid borrow one.
[quote]tom63 wrote:
the cost of metal prices have gone up. [/quote]
This is actually something that has bothered me for a while. I work in the steel business and I remember the first time EFS, Westside and all the other equipment guys raised prices due to the rising cost of steel. I bought my reverse hyper for about $1000 shipped just before the raise.
Steel prices were skyrocketing at the time and we were living fat and happy (in the steel business). Well around last October those days ended and the bottom dropped out to below what it was originally before that price hike, so margins went way up for the equipment guys seeing as how the equipment price didnt change.
Just some insight from an “insider” on the “rising cost of steel/metal”…
[quote] Matt wrote:
[quote]tom63 wrote:
the cost of metal prices have gone up. [/quote]
This is actually something that has bothered me for a while. I work in the steel business and I remember the first time EFS, Westside and all the other equipment guys raised prices due to the rising cost of steel. I bought my reverse hyper for about $1000 shipped just before the raise.
Steel prices were skyrocketing at the time and we were living fat and happy (in the steel business). Well around last October those days ended and the bottom dropped out to below what it was originally before that price hike, so margins went way up for the equipment guys seeing as how the equipment price didnt change.
Just some insight from an “insider” on the “rising cost of steel/metal”…
That’s exactly what happens petrol prices in Ireland when the price of crude oil goes up, dunno if it’s the same on your side of the pond.
[quote] Matt wrote:
[quote]tom63 wrote:
the cost of metal prices have gone up. [/quote]
This is actually something that has bothered me for a while. I work in the steel business and I remember the first time EFS, Westside and all the other equipment guys raised prices due to the rising cost of steel. I bought my reverse hyper for about $1000 shipped just before the raise.
Steel prices were skyrocketing at the time and we were living fat and happy (in the steel business). Well around last October those days ended and the bottom dropped out to below what it was originally before that price hike, so margins went way up for the equipment guys seeing as how the equipment price didnt change.
Just some insight from an “insider” on the “rising cost of steel/metal”…
Didn’t realize that, but when have you ever seen prices go back down on something like equipment? Not defending, it in any way. Dave is a shrewd businessman and is my buddy, but he’s in business to make money.
If people are paying, the price is right.
[quote]UAphenix wrote:
[quote]bleed12 wrote:
I contacted them and they say the collars are 7 inch long each side which means it will hold with my plates 2 45s and a 25 each side about which equats to about 230#. The core I heard holds about 150# either case they are both low amounts of weight capacity.
Funny thing i never how much louie is money hungry person until i went to the website and saw they own a chain of personal training studios. http://www.westside-barbell.com/commercial-equipment/ go to the bottom of the page and click on the link to beat personal training. They are really kinda gay and corny and its funny its own by westside.[/quote]
So louie is now money hungry for wanting to make some money? Maybe tell that to the guys he lets train at westside for free like he always has…Oh and that RH looks like POS, you’ll likely grow out of it quickly and then have a piece of equipment that you have no use for. If you’re going to get a RH get a good one you wont grow out of.[/quote]
Exactly, Louie does and has given a lot of freebies over the years. I was amazed when I called his number and he actually talked training for free. and he would also call me back if I left a message on his dime and time.
[quote]tom63 wrote:
[quote] Matt wrote:
[quote]tom63 wrote:
the cost of metal prices have gone up. [/quote]
This is actually something that has bothered me for a while. I work in the steel business and I remember the first time EFS, Westside and all the other equipment guys raised prices due to the rising cost of steel. I bought my reverse hyper for about $1000 shipped just before the raise.
Steel prices were skyrocketing at the time and we were living fat and happy (in the steel business). Well around last October those days ended and the bottom dropped out to below what it was originally before that price hike, so margins went way up for the equipment guys seeing as how the equipment price didnt change.
Just some insight from an “insider” on the “rising cost of steel/metal”…
Didn’t realize that, but when have you ever seen prices go back down on something like equipment? Not defending, it in any way. Dave is a shrewd businessman and is my buddy, but he’s in business to make money.
If people are paying, the price is right.[/quote]
Right, I wasn’t arguing more just throwing that out there for people’s knowledge because I still see people referring to the rising cost of steel. Wasn’t blaming Dave or Lou, for all we know their suppliers haven’t changed prices either, so no telling where the extra margin is actually going. Other than not to us!
[quote] Matt wrote:
[quote]tom63 wrote:
[quote] Matt wrote:
[quote]tom63 wrote:
the cost of metal prices have gone up. [/quote]
This is actually something that has bothered me for a while. I work in the steel business and I remember the first time EFS, Westside and all the other equipment guys raised prices due to the rising cost of steel. I bought my reverse hyper for about $1000 shipped just before the raise.
Steel prices were skyrocketing at the time and we were living fat and happy (in the steel business). Well around last October those days ended and the bottom dropped out to below what it was originally before that price hike, so margins went way up for the equipment guys seeing as how the equipment price didnt change.
Just some insight from an “insider” on the “rising cost of steel/metal”…
Didn’t realize that, but when have you ever seen prices go back down on something like equipment? Not defending, it in any way. Dave is a shrewd businessman and is my buddy, but he’s in business to make money.
If people are paying, the price is right.[/quote]
Right, I wasn’t arguing more just throwing that out there for people’s knowledge because I still see people referring to the rising cost of steel. Wasn’t blaming Dave or Lou, for all we know their suppliers haven’t changed prices either, so no telling where the extra margin is actually going. Other than not to us!
This is similar to the criticism of much of the food industry after wheat prices fell, and the prices of the product stayed the same. The response given was that wheat prices had been rising for some time without pushing up the price of the product, so that immediately before the spike of the wheat prices, merchants were operating on razor thin margins, and keeping the inflated prices up after the collapse of wheat simply returned them to an appropriate margin as they had been experiencing just a few years before … or something like that
I have been thinking alot about getting a reverse hyper, and just bought the “rogue reverse hyper”…ordered off of the rogue site. I saw one of the used “core revolution” ones in a local play-it-again sports, and comparing the two is not appropriate.
I almost didn’t buy this piece after reading the opinions here, but after alot of thinking decided I would take the risk on an unknown since I thought the rep. was good from rogue, westside…and I have a back injury which I’m working on rehab for…so feel highly motivated to do something.
I just didn’t have the budget for the more expensive ones, and wondered if it would’t be complete overkill for me anyway to get one of the bigger models considering my strength level is completely average joe even before my injury.
I was thinking about a comment in this post about the core rev thing being junk while I was putting the rogue one together. I agree…it did look flimsy to me. I laughed, thinking while putting it together that the rogue one was much more stable even with three legs on it than the used core rev one I saw was completely together.
The rogue one is not junk. It had a sticker from Legend fitness on it, and I think it looks very solid and well made. If you are a serious lifter with concerns about maxing it out I can undertand wanting to skip it…but for me it looks like it will offer more than I can handle for some time to come.
A note about it…it is the roller kind, and that bolts in. I think you could leave it off and use it like a strap on if you wanted.
I just spoke with the manager of Westside sales department, and she told me that the Rogue company wanted one that they could sell that wasn’t as heavy or expensive as the standard line. So Louie allowed them to copy his standard model (which they previously sold through westside-barbell) and sell it under a Rogue name.
The same manufacturer produces all of their reverse hypers, including this Rogue model. It is rated for a 300lb lifter and 250lbs of external load. More than enough for me…
I just ordered one and will let you know how it goes if anyone is interested. The sales manager assured me it was very stable and sturdy.
Not sure how many of you are Canadian but I’m bringing in some reverse hypers, I don’t have any great pics of them until they get here at the end of the month. Have a look: