I know there’s been some talk about Rich’s workout before. Well, now there seems to be a video. Here is the link…
[quote]StevenF wrote:
I dont train pro-athletes and I’m not one, so I lack credibility.
I cant help but thinking that:
The exercice selection sucks.
The rep range sucks
The volume he recommends sucks.
There. I said it, and yeah, I’ve never trained anyone professionally.
That said, would any of you recommend what he’s doing?
Yeah, Rich is champ, but is it really this program that got him there?
Luckily mma is a high skill sport so you dont have to rely purely on strength and endurance.
Crap, I still cant get over the trainers reasoning for the volume he recommends.
Thanks for posting.
He’s prepared physically in order to use his talent in the cage the way he needs to. Is that optimal? Maybe for him.
That said, I think there can be better selection than manchines for his workout, basically use cable stuff instead so he doesn’t get himself a joint injury, which can happen to fighers easily enough already.
That leg press where each leg works seperately looks interesting. I’ve never seen a machine like that before.
All I can say is: wow.
He’s stated before and in other interviews that he utilizes an undulating weight training schema (he didn’t use the word undulating but outlined the fact that he works different muscle qualities in different sessions - i.e. endurance, strength etc. - inside of a week). You’re seeing only one workout of his, in absence of any of his other sessions performed throughout the week.
I bet his strength endurance is incredible!
He looks kinda geeky doing those curls, but I’d never tell him that too his face.
He’s not working out for asthetic purposes, or for maximum strength, and he’s at the top of his sport, so I’d say he’s probably doing just about everything right in his training.
Sure, it might be able to be slightly better, but I’m very far from being able to say how.
Thanks for the video. I like seeing how different athletes train.
[quote]cirque wrote:
StevenF wrote:
I dont train pro-athletes and I’m not one, so I lack credibility.
I cant help but thinking that:
The exercice selection sucks.
The rep range sucks
The volume he recommends sucks.
There. I said it, and yeah, I’ve never trained anyone professionally.
That said, would any of you recommend what he’s doing?
Yeah, Rich is champ, but is it really this program that got him there?
Luckily mma is a high skill sport so you dont have to rely purely on strength and endurance.
Crap, I still cant get over the trainers reasoning for the volume he recommends.
Sucks for a bodybuilder, sure. He is not training to look good, however. It seems to be more of a workout to build conditioning, not strength. Even CW says in his MMA training article that endurance training is more important than pure strength training when it comes to MMA athletes. Also, he may very well train with more traditional strength training methods on a different day.
BTW: I’m not trying to take anything away from Rich. I’m sure that he is squeezing every last drop of “effectiveness” that the program has to offer.
I’m just blown away at how pro athletes actually eat and train differently than what is considered “cutting edge” here.
Really makes you wonder.
I was shocked at all the volume he has to do. Then again he is on top of his game, so it cant be to bad of a routine. The “Pitbulls” routine was a little disapointing to watch (He doesnt use free weights? WOW!). Never seen the “Huntington beach bad boys” routine, I missed that one…bummer. Looking forward to see how TUF in october does though, is GSP still one the the coaches… that will be interesting to see how he coaches his team.
Actually bodybuilding couldnt have been further from my mind when I made those comments.
I was thinking more along the lines of the strength based programs by Dave Tate, DJ, CT and company.
I was also thinking about how Staley and others have said that max strength should still be your goal in the gym because you’re getting tons of endurance training on the mat and on the bags.
I completly agree that endurance is more important that max strength for mma, but again many of T-nations trainers, like Ian King, have suggested that wrestlers and such should work on max strength in the gym and let their sport take care of the conditioning.
Secondly, we have to agree that there is an inverse relation between strength and endurance. If the trainer has Rich training for 2 or 3 times the amount of minutes that a fight actually lasts, they in theory he not really targetting the correct energy systems.
Also, he may very well train with more traditional strength training methods on a different day. [/quote]
You’re 100% correct. I could be saying all this for nothing. But I believe that the video mentioned that Rich performed this workout 3 times a week and made no other mention of weight training.
Anyways, I’m stirring the pot to see what others think.
Tito does 4 sets of 20 usually, six days a week under a bodypart split.
[quote]cirque wrote:
BTW: I’m not trying to take anything away from Rich. I’m sure that he is squeezing every last drop of “effectiveness” that the program has to offer.
I’m just blown away at how pro athletes actually eat and train differently than what is considered “cutting edge” here.
Really makes you wonder.[/quote]
I think a little less worrying about optimum nutrition and training and a little more hard work would probably be good for most of us.
[quote]t3h_Squirr3l wrote:
Tito does 4 sets of 20 usually, six days a week under a bodypart split.[/quote]
Thanks bro, i’ll have to watch this one when it repeats. It looked like Tito was using 50lb DB’s on the preview I seen? … not bad at all…4 sets @ 20 reps.
Reminds me of those “women only” gyms where they do circuits and rotate.
However, he IS working hard and is a champ so it must work for him.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
cirque wrote:
BTW: I’m not trying to take anything away from Rich. I’m sure that he is squeezing every last drop of “effectiveness” that the program has to offer.
I’m just blown away at how pro athletes actually eat and train differently than what is considered “cutting edge” here.
Really makes you wonder.
I think a little less worrying about optimum nutrition and training and a little more hard work would probably be good for most of us.[/quote]
I agree.
Its just that “optimal” training/nutrition seems to be the topic of 80+% of articles on the site. So its natural to wonder why the pros arent using these techniques when that what we’re being told.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
I think a little less worrying about optimum nutrition and training and a little more hard work would probably be good for most of us.[/quote]
Very true words!
Someone mentioned wanting to see this.
UFC All Access - Tito Ortiz