[quote]westdale warrior wrote:
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
[quote]westdale warrior wrote:
irish i fully respect your knowledge and opinion but i must disagree
i dont think enough focus is being put on strength and power development in the early stages of the fight game
i really like this article by Chad Waterbury to help with my point of view
dave tate has also said that maximal strength training can help you with every aspect of fitness except maybe flexibility.
we have all surely felt at some time or another how large of a factor strength can be in a fight. im not saying ever prioritize it or let it hurt any aspects of combat training. but you can work it into your program intelligently to gain an edge. all things being equal (speed skill etc) the stronger fighter will win.
i know its not the most important part , i just cant understand for the life of me why people write off strength training entirely. i remember once you yourself posted a guide to street combat that endorsed as the two primary things to ready ones self for an altercation, boxing and weight lifting.
furthermore muscle on the frame can also serve as armor against some of those blows. and at 6’2" 155 (although the height post did come after your last post so i have a different perspective) i think he could stand to add a little meat on his bones and build a little power [/quote]
Bullshit. In MMA I can understand it because being physically stronger is a great asset in grappling.
When you’re in a striking art though, it’s totally, completely, and utterly useless.
And all respect to Dave Tate and Chad Waterbury, they’ve never seen the inside of a ring, so frankly I don’t give a shit what they say.
The early stages of a fighter’s career should be spent on nothing but technique, technique, technique.
There’s a lot I could go into about this, but I really don’t want to hijack this dude’s thread.[/quote]
fair enough i would like to discuss the matter further and here your entire point of view at a more appropriate point in time. i still must respectfully disagree but you are older and have more experience [/quote]
Start another thread and put your points up on it. I’m more than willing to talk about it.
Civilly, even.