Hey guys, I’ve been doing the WS4SB for about 1.5 months or a bit more and I found out that I make progress way too fast for that program and am intent on making linear progression and set my mind on Rippetoe’s Starting Strength. I’ve did Stronglifts 5x5 before that for about 7 months but found out that most people here don’t like it. Plus, it left me highly imbalanced with a relatively very strong squat and puny numbers in everything else with huge quads compared to my upper body. I want no such thing again. So here are my questions.
Q1: My 1RM squat is about 120 kilos and I’ll start with 95.5 since I haven’t squatted for 2 months, my 3RM bench is 77.5kg and I’ll go for 62.5, my 3RM deadlift is 115kg and I’ll go for 107.5, my 5RM military press is 50kg and I’ll start with 42.5. Do these seem alright? Would you recommend increasing or decreasing the starting weight in any of these?
Q2: I want to add pull ups and dips after workouts for 3 sets to failure. Would this be a fine idea or would it just impale my progress? Mehdi from SL just kept on telling people that they don’t need any arm work for big arms or such but I’ve found through fucking experience that at least I myself do. So should I add the aforementioned assistance or is it a bad idea?
Q3: Ah, the squat. I love this painful exercise but have my questions. I’ve always squatted with a moderately narrow stance and I now am contemplating about doing wide stance squats. Many people swear that they give better numbers and also a more thorough leg development since my quads are imbalanced compared to my hams and definitely calves, who are really skinny bitches. But on the other hand, some do claim that they’re asking for injury without gear. So what’s your opinion, squat wide or narrow for the mentioned purposes?
Q4: Finally, nutrition. I understood that I’ve been following a hypocaloric diet while trying to gain strength judging the fact that I lost weight during the WS4SB program and now I want to gain some weight. However, I want to minimize gaining fat. I’m aware that gaining some fat is inevitable but how may I reduce that amount? I’m planning on boosting my protein intake while slightly increasing everything else. Does that sound solid?
P.S. my WS4SB log sine the last 2 entries Westside for Skinny Lakkhamu - Training Logs - Forums - T Nation
And my current nutrition (Multiply everything by roughly 1.5. This coefficient will increase however) Westside for Skinny Bastards: Unwanted Weight Loss - Supplements and Nutrition - Forums - T Nation