[quote]Lakkhamu wrote:
Hey everybody. I’ve been doing the WS4SB template for about a month and a half right now (Westside for Skinny Lakkhamu - Training Logs - Forums - T Nation) and although having made good strength gains, I have my bit of doubt and questions.
Q1: I’ve been doing the deadlift for my max effort lower body lift and bench press for my max effort upper body lift every session so far and since I still make beginner gains, I don’t think I’m going to stop doing so until I reach a major plateau. Is this a mistake? I want to be a powerlifter and since my squat is currently stronger than these, I’m concentrating only on the bench and the deadlift.
Q2: I’ve been making some fast gains especially on the deadlift and wonder if 5kg/10lbs increments would do instead of 2.5kg/5lbs ones or would it only make me hit a plateau sooner?
Q3: I really do hate the unilateral quad exercises and my body just does not agree with them. I plan on doing an olympic lift (hang cleans, power cleans, power snatches etc.) instead of it. How would it do?
Q4: Considering the fact that I’m losing weight while following this program, I can say that I’m training under a caloric deficit while still gaining weight. Would increasing my calorie intake boost my strength gains?
That’s all for now, and I’d be very grateful if you answered some or all of these questions. [/quote]
If you are going to do a linear progression, you might as well just do something simple like Starting Strength. By only doing deadlifts and bench right now you are neglecting your squat, which you could be improving at the same time. If you are making constant gains then you probably don’t need to be cycling lifts just yet.
Unilateral exercises are extremely uncomfortable but they do help get you stronger and they address imbalances in the main lifts (i.e. one leg working harder than the other in the squat). Find ones that DO work for you body, and do them until they don’t give you any benefit anymore.
As far as amount of weight each time you progress goes, just do whatever you think you can do. If you can make a 25lb jump, go for it. If you can only do a 2.5lb jump, then so be it.
I don’t understand what you mean by the calorie thing, but I’ll try to make this as simple as I can. If you used to eat like shit and you clean up your diet, you are most likely going to lose weight. As a general rule of thumb, the more you eat, the stronger you will get (assuming you are eating the proper amount of macro-nutrients). Very rarely will you be able to get stronger while losing weight, but it does happen on occasion. If you are extremely obese, lose some weight before trying to put on muscle mass. If you have a bit of body fat and are not worried about appearance, start putting on muscle mass then try and lose the excess fat later.